Are you ashamed that sugary snacks seem irresistible, and have you started to feel that your sweet tooth is causing embarrassment? Honestly, there is nothing disgraceful in having a liking for sweets. It is actually the consumption of too much sugar coupled with insufficient oral hygiene that can lead to tooth decay. After this, you will surely end up with a dentist. Sugar like any other food can cause discoloration of tooth enamel, but sweets alone cannot be blamed for it. However, you can get teeth whitening in case this happens.
In any case, sugar cravings are quite natural. You do not necessarily have to suppress them every time. However, the excess of anything can be dangerous for you. So, when you feel you are too addicted to sugar, it is time to quit.
Obviously, you would not find it easy and simple. The act of getting rid of your sweet tooth is a bit tricky. People who do not take three spoonfuls of sugar in their tea are also having an excess of sweet through cereals and fruits. The good news is that the intense craving for sugar is recoverable and takes about three to four days. But you need to understand that it is not just sweet food that is the source of sugar. Depending upon the various levels of addiction, here are some ways to beat the sweets:
* The first on the list is to change your meal plan. Instead of cereals for breakfast, try to go for oats or other low sugar meals.
* Reduce your frequent eating habits. Three meals and two snacks in a day are just about it.
* Try your best to find replacements for sugary substances. During the times when you take sugary snacks, better replace them with something less sugary. For instance, strawberries tend to have a ten times lesser sugar as compared to raisins. Another substitute is xylose that you can add in hot drinks or porridge. You can even go for honey which acts as a great substitute for refined sugar.
* Disappointing news for people who love caffeine is that caffeine has been found to disrupt the blood-sugar balance. Keeping away from sweets and taking coffee, you might be thinking that you have suppressed your blood sugar level. You are actually mistaken. You can consume green tea or any type of tea for that matter which has sufficient antioxidants to repair any damage done until now.
* After you have been able to successfully balance your blood sugar level, get some medical help to overcome the problem once and for all. In some cases, you need to take cinnamon supplements that are quite helpful in reducing your sugar cravings.
Everyone knows that oat-based cereals are far better than rice or corn-based ones. Or that lentils or brown rice is better than refined wheat pasta. But who wants to give up a delicious bowl of pasta? Everyone wishes to keep themselves away from the craving of sugar, but very few are prepared for it in the real sense.
In any case, sugar cravings are quite natural. You do not necessarily have to suppress them every time. However, the excess of anything can be dangerous for you. So, when you feel you are too addicted to sugar, it is time to quit.
Obviously, you would not find it easy and simple. The act of getting rid of your sweet tooth is a bit tricky. People who do not take three spoonfuls of sugar in their tea are also having an excess of sweet through cereals and fruits. The good news is that the intense craving for sugar is recoverable and takes about three to four days. But you need to understand that it is not just sweet food that is the source of sugar. Depending upon the various levels of addiction, here are some ways to beat the sweets:
* The first on the list is to change your meal plan. Instead of cereals for breakfast, try to go for oats or other low sugar meals.
* Reduce your frequent eating habits. Three meals and two snacks in a day are just about it.
* Try your best to find replacements for sugary substances. During the times when you take sugary snacks, better replace them with something less sugary. For instance, strawberries tend to have a ten times lesser sugar as compared to raisins. Another substitute is xylose that you can add in hot drinks or porridge. You can even go for honey which acts as a great substitute for refined sugar.
* Disappointing news for people who love caffeine is that caffeine has been found to disrupt the blood-sugar balance. Keeping away from sweets and taking coffee, you might be thinking that you have suppressed your blood sugar level. You are actually mistaken. You can consume green tea or any type of tea for that matter which has sufficient antioxidants to repair any damage done until now.
* After you have been able to successfully balance your blood sugar level, get some medical help to overcome the problem once and for all. In some cases, you need to take cinnamon supplements that are quite helpful in reducing your sugar cravings.
Everyone knows that oat-based cereals are far better than rice or corn-based ones. Or that lentils or brown rice is better than refined wheat pasta. But who wants to give up a delicious bowl of pasta? Everyone wishes to keep themselves away from the craving of sugar, but very few are prepared for it in the real sense.