Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Two Notable Recording Schools

What do you think of when you hear the term Recording School? Possibly not what the term really means.
Austin recording schools are where you go to learn the industry of Audio Engineering in Austin.
By definition, an audio engineer is a person who manipulates sound through mechanical (analog) or digital means.
When you say controlling sound, it can mean a few things.
Audio engineers are those responsible for getting your favorite band's sound onto an iPod or CD.
The person designing the equipment sounds are recorded on is the audio engineer.
In films, hearing the things the characters say, the door slamming, those are created and recorded by an audio engineer.
If this is the field you're interested in, do not worry if you don't happen to live in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles.
If you live in Austin, Texas, you are in the right place to learn.
There is a school known as the Recording Conservatory of Austin.
With the use of a one-on-one mentor/apprentice program, you get to learn the fundamentals of audio engineering.
The Basic Audio Course takes about 6 months to finish.
You will work on three major projects with your instructor during this time.
And you'll be scheduling more time for critical review and discussion with your instructor as you get to learn more advanced techniques.
Studios are available for students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can check their Web site for more data: http://www.
Another such school that has campuses in Austin would be the Media Tech Institute.
Their education style is the mentor/apprentice approach as well.
The Recording Arts Program will instruct you everything from the fundamentals, to advanced analog and digital recording techniques.
All aspects of the profession of audio engineering is covered by this program.
The Program takes about 44 weeks to finish.
You can have more info here: http://mediatechinstitute.
It will be very rewarding when you work as an audio engineer in Austin, Texas.
There are certainly other places to work in this field, but the music scene is Austin is great.
The PBS Show, Austin City Limits, has been in production there since 1975.
The show profiles established singer-songwriters and applauded newcomers perform country, blues, rock, folk, bluegrass, and related styles of music from Studio 6A of public television station KLRU (formerly KLRN) at the University of Texas at Austin.
Austin, Texas is a good place to be if you are into music, and sound.
Check out one of the two Austin recording schools discoursed here, and who knows, you might be the person who records one of the hottest new acts.
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