- 1). Till the soil. Common burdock is particularly susceptible to tilling when in the rosette stage, before developing a stalk. If you are farming without tilling, proceed to the next step.
- 2). Mow the weeds. This prevents flowering and reseeding. Gardeners can pull out the weed by the roots. Be sure to cut the root below ground. A dandelion digging tool is particularly helpful for manual removal.
- 3). Apply an herbicide to the individual weeds, one-by-one so as not to get it on other plants. Apply all across the broad leaves, which provide lots of surface for the chemical's uptake. Burdock absorbs herbicide right down to the roots. Apply it when the plants are young.
- 4). Clip off the clingy burr seed heads and dispose of them in sealed garbage bags to prevent reseeding.