- 1). Open the music you want to chop up in your digital audio editor. If you don't have a digital audio editor, download a free one like Audacity or GoldWave or a commercial editor like Audition.
- 2). Zoom in on the waveform in the editor until you can see the individual drum beats. Listen to the music; when you hear a drum sound that you want to use, select it with the mouse, being careful to include the entire drum hit. Press "Ctrl" and "C" together to copy the drum sound.
- 3). Open another instance of the digital audio editor. Click "Edit," then "Paste" to insert the drum beat you selected into the new instance. Return to the first instance of the program.
- 4). Highlight the next drum sound you want to use and copy it. Switch to the second instance of the audio editor. Click the mouse at the very end of the waveform, then click "Edit" and "Paste" to add the second drum sound to your beat.
- 5). Switch back to the first instance of the editor. Copy and paste the next drum beat; continue copying and pasting in this way until you've chopped up the beat as desired.