Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Psoriasis Treatment - Discover Simple Remedies to Deal With it (Part 2)

  1. Apply a birch-tar salve at 10-30% concentration to the skin areas affected by the disease.
    The salve can be purchased at the drugstore.
  2. Infuse 7 grams of herbs of mallow root with 100 milliliters of warm water.
    Leave the tincture to brew for an hour.
    Take a tablespoon of the decoction every 2 hours.
  3. Mix 10 grams of greater celandine with 10 grams of wild pansy.
    Infuse the mix of the herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for some time.
    Drink the decoction within a day.
  4. Use a decoction of bilberries to wash the bad skin areas.
    In addition, you can put compresses of the decoction of bilberries on the affected skin areas.
  5. Prepare a decoction of common yarrow and add it to the bath water.
  6. Put granulated soap wort roots in water.
    Let it steep for 5-6 hours to get rid of the skin irritants the herb contains.
    Do not forget to skim off foam occasionally.
    Afterwards, let the herb get dry and infuse 6 grams of it with 200 milliliters of boiling water.
    Continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes and leave it to brew for some time.
    Use the decoction as unction or compress.
    You can add the tincture to the bath water, as well, but no more than 10-14 times.
  7. Clean your skin with vodka and smear it with smooth rupture wort juice.
  8. Infuse granulated 2-3 cloves of garlic with a glass of boiling water.
    Leave the mix to brew for an hour.
    Use the tincture as a compress.
  9. If you have not allowed the disease to develop, it can be cured by urine therapy.
  10. Mix 200 milliliters of vinegar, 40 grams of butter and an egg thoroughly.
    Put the paste in a glass dish and place it in refrigerator.
    Apply the paste to the bad skin areas every 3 hours for at least 12 days.
    Do not use vinegar essence.
    Otherwise, you are going to burn your skin.
  11. Mix 100 grams of vaseline with a teaspoon of fine gunpowder.
    The finer the gunpowder, the better the results.
    Mix the paste thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
    Apply the paste to the affected areas before going to the bed.
    Psoriasis does step back.
    It is a very effective remedy, although the process is slow.
  12. Take fresh leaves of ornamental houseplant kalanchoe and squeeze them.
    Put the leaves on the bad skin areas.
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