Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

5 Tips For Selling Your Home On Your Own

If you want to maximize your profits, selling your home on your own is one of the easiest ways of doing so. However, for those who have never tried to sell a home it may be surprising how much the little things matter. If you want to get the maximum value for your home and close a sale quickly, considering the following tips for selling your home on your own.

Sell at the Right Time

Most people prefer to move during the summer. Not only the weather is better, but children aren't in the middle of a school term and so moving home is less disruptive of their studies. If you can choose when to sell your home, aim to start advertising it during the late spring and early summer months. Not only it's more convenient for buyers, but most houses will look better when the sun is shining and the grass is green.

Clean Everything

In order to impress potential buyers, your home needs to look its best. This means cleaning everything, from the spider webs on the laundry room in the basement to the back of the garden. Clean the windows thoroughly and make sure the walls are in pristine condition. If your house has carpets, you will also need to get them professionally cleaned. If you can't do all of this yourself, hire a cleaning company to ensure the house is cleaned top to bottom.

Remove Your Things

Removing your things will not only make the house look bigger, but will make it easier for potential buyers to imagine it with their things on it. Since you need to clean the entire house, throwing away stuff that you have accumulated and don't need any more is much more convenient. Always look at things from the point of view of a buyer who is imagining him or herself living in your home. For example, don't forget about the garden: A garden that looks like a jungle will both make your house look worse and remind the buyers of all the work it will require after they buy the house.

Get a Professional Appraisal

If you want to set a realistic price for your home the best way to proceed is hiring a certified residential appraiser who will take measurements, take pictures and ensure that the house doesn't need extra maintenance. The appraisal will help you convince potential buyers that you are asking a fair price for the house, and help set your expectations for a sale price.

Make a List of Selling Points

When you are selling your home on your own you need to act like a real estate agent and learn how to put forward the reasons why the buyer will love the house. The best way of doing this is making a list of selling points that you can then use to market the property, or to convince interested buyers. Besides looking at the home itself, check out the neighbourhood: Create a local map with the nearest schools, transport links, entertainment venues and anything else that makes your neighbourhood a great place to live. Being prepared will help you sell more effectively, and get a better price for your home.
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