Health & Medical Acne

Stop Hiding Your Face! Kick Your Acne to the Curb With These Killer Tips For Clear Skin

Are you always hiding behind your hair? Are you always hanging your head so that people won't see your face? I've been there, and I know what a terrible feeling that is, but cheer up! We're not going to get negative in this article, we're going to be positive! We're going to take action! Are you ready for your awesome tips for clear skin? Alright, let's get going! Let's start with the first step.
Washing your face.
You probably use all of these cleansers that claim they're made for acne, and they probably just dry out your skin.
They probably burn your skin, too.
How's that working for out for you? Not very well? I didn't think so.
This is a big mistake that most people make.
I used to make the very same mistake! You need a cleanser with no oils, nothing that clogs the pores, but something that is mild! A great pick for a person suffering from acne would be a cleanser containing enzymes.
Look for something with pineapple or papaya, these contain enzymes.
Enzymes work to gently dissolve oil, unclog pores, and gently exfoliate the skin.
For the next step, get a cotton ball and some Witch Hazel.
You're going to use this as a toner.
I know it sounds strange, but this will make a huge difference in your skin, you won't believe your eyes! It's also cheap and widely available.
This is a proven way to clear skin, it has helped so many people, myself included! So do yourself a big favor, and do not skip this step.
It is vital! The last step is just as simple as the first two.
You simply treat any existing acne with Tea Tree Oil.
Dab a tiny bit onto a cotton swab, and gently dab onto any pimples that you currently have.
This oil is a very potent antibacterial, so it will work to unclog pores.
Like the Witch Hazel, this is yet another method that has helped so many others.
It smells bad, I won't lie.
The smell fades fairly quickly, though, and the results are more than worth it! So there you have it, the method that has helped me immensely.
Do this twice a day, and you should see amazing results! To really show your acne who's boss, click the links below!
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