Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

After a Serious Burn Injury - Should You Consider Legal Action?

Planning for your future Severe burns can leave a person with devastating, life-changing injuries.
A person who has suffered severe burn injuries usually faces months in a hospital, and even after discharge, the likelihood of multiple surgeries to restore limb function and appearance, and after the surgeries, long periods of physical rehabilitation.
Treatment is lengthy, painful, and expensive.
  Burn injuries may leave you significantly disabled, unable to work, unable to take care of your family, and unable to return to the activities you enjoyed before you were burned.
If you or a loved one have suffered severe burn injuries your first priority must be your medical care and rehabilitation.
As you look toward the future and the changes in your life once you leave the hospital, you will be thinking about the the financial implications of your injuries Does your situation warrant legal action? Many serious burn injuries occur because of another person's the negligence or misconduct, of the negligence of a company or corporation, or event of a government entity.
Faulty product design or manufacture may also have contributed to the burn injuries.
A person who has suffered severe burn injuries because of negligence or because of defective design or manufacture has the right to compensation for damage to their earning power, their health, and the loss of well being.
In California, such compensation may include reimbursement for medical and hospital bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages and future earnings, pain, physical distress, and psychological suffering as a consequence of injuries and losses.
If the changes in lifestyle, a need for modifications in the home, and diminished future earnings caused by burn injuries are extensive, a life planning consultant should be engaged to help calculate long-term medical and financial needs.
Negligence is conduct which falls below the standard of care established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risks of harm.
 Misconduct is improper or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated or intentional purpose or by obstinate indifference to the consequences of one's acts.
If your burn injury occurred as the result of negligence or misconduct, an attorney experienced in dealing with burn injury cases may be able to achieve a settlement that will recover your medical and rehabilitation costs, both current costs and those you can expect in the future.
If you believe that you have suffered from someone else's negligence or misconduct, you need to speak with an attorney as soon as possible.
Statutes of limitation, which are deadlines set by law, prescribe how long you have after the event to file a lawsuit.
You should consult an attorney as soon as possible to determine whether your situation warrants a lawsuit.
If you delay past the the statute of limitations expiration date, you may be unable to file a claim.
In burn injury cases, most lawyers agree to a a contingent fee arrangement.
The attorney agrees to be paid a fee only if he or she succeeds in resolving the case, either in court or  by a negotiated settlement.
The attorney receives a percentage of the financial award.
This fee arrangement is helpful for most people with severe burn injuries because it does not require the person bringing the case to pay any money up front.
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