You've most probably seen these free iPhone 4G offers everywhere on the web.
And if you have, one question may have lingered in your mind: are these free iPhone 4G offers legit? Here's the answer: most of them are, and it's just a matter of finding the right offer for your needs.
There are 5 reasons why you can trust these free iPhone offers: 1.
They are promoted by legitimate companies who are either third party developers, manufacturing partners, or prospective advertisers for the iPhone 4G.
Their purpose with these offers is to conduct their respective market research to ensure the success of their own campaigns.
They need your help.
They need your input, and in exchange, they are willing to give you a unit of Apple's flagship product, for free.
These offers are brokered by legitimate online advertising networks.
We're talking about established web companies like Neverblue, Copeac, and Azoogle, all of which are web advertising specialists that have been in existence for years.
Testimonials abound.
Just head over to YouTube and watch people un-box the free iPhone 4G units they received from these offers.
Getting a unit is sometimes part of the action required by the offer.
Some of these offers are of the "TEST & OWN" variety, as the companies behind them need testers to find bugs and defects with Apple's newest mobile phone.
Hence, getting an iPhone is part and parcel of the deal.
After all, how can you test something which you do not have, right? 5.
You have nothing to lose.
Just as how these giveaway iPhone 4G units are free, joining these offers would be free as well.
There is no monetary consideration involved.
No backbreaking work is required.
The only investment asked from you is a little of your time.
And if you have, one question may have lingered in your mind: are these free iPhone 4G offers legit? Here's the answer: most of them are, and it's just a matter of finding the right offer for your needs.
There are 5 reasons why you can trust these free iPhone offers: 1.
They are promoted by legitimate companies who are either third party developers, manufacturing partners, or prospective advertisers for the iPhone 4G.
Their purpose with these offers is to conduct their respective market research to ensure the success of their own campaigns.
They need your help.
They need your input, and in exchange, they are willing to give you a unit of Apple's flagship product, for free.
These offers are brokered by legitimate online advertising networks.
We're talking about established web companies like Neverblue, Copeac, and Azoogle, all of which are web advertising specialists that have been in existence for years.
Testimonials abound.
Just head over to YouTube and watch people un-box the free iPhone 4G units they received from these offers.
Getting a unit is sometimes part of the action required by the offer.
Some of these offers are of the "TEST & OWN" variety, as the companies behind them need testers to find bugs and defects with Apple's newest mobile phone.
Hence, getting an iPhone is part and parcel of the deal.
After all, how can you test something which you do not have, right? 5.
You have nothing to lose.
Just as how these giveaway iPhone 4G units are free, joining these offers would be free as well.
There is no monetary consideration involved.
No backbreaking work is required.
The only investment asked from you is a little of your time.