- By drinking a lot of water, you can flush out all the toxins and impurities in the blood and body. Drinking water also dilutes any toxins that may be in the body and helps to produce the blood. The body needs a daily intake of water to remain healthy. Experts suggest each person drink about eight glasses or 64 oz of water each day. Fruit and vegetable juices are also fluids to drink.
- The kidneys are a filtering organ that cleans the blood throughout the day. The kidneys remove debris and excess fluids ftom the blood. This waste is sent to the bladder where it is stored until urination. By cleansing the kidneys, they function better and are then able to filter the blood. Drinking lots of water each day also helps to clean the kidneys. Herbal remedies are also useful. Uva ursi is a very good herb for the kidneys, according to many herbalists. You can buy the herb in health food stores.
- In addition to drinking water and cleaning the kidneys, another way to clean the blood is with herbs. There are herbs that are often thought of as blood cleansers by herbalists. These herbs include red clover, burdock root, poke root and chaparral. All these herbs are available in pill form from health food stores. You can also purchase the dried herbs to make a tea.
- Fasting is one way to clean the entire body. By not eating food, the body focuses on self-healing instead of digestion. The body requires a great deal of energy to process food, absorb nutrients and eliminate wastes. During a fast, the digestive system has a short rest and the body's energy can be used elsewhere. A short fast of one or two days is beneficial for most people, but a doctor should be consulted if you have medical problems. A fast helps all the organs of the body and the blood to rid itself of wastes.
Drink Water
Clean the Kidneys
Clean the Blood
Do a Fast