- Sit down in a comfortable chair. Warm your hands by rubbing them together. Cup your palms and place them over your closed eyes. Position them so that you do not apply any pressure to the actual eyeball. Your hands should be positioned in a manner that leaves the nose uncovered and the eyes directly behind the cupped portion of the palm. Make certain that all the fingers are tightly positioned together so no light rays can penetrate beyond the hands. Take long, slow, deep breaths while thinking of scenarios that bring you happiness. After a few deep breaths, relax and open your eyes. Repeat this pattern for about three minutes.
- The eyes are made to relax when forced to look at a distance. If you have a job that requires you to look at a computer screen for extended periods of time, your eyes may feel strained from time to time. When this occurs, step outside or look through a window at objects that are about 15 to 16 feet away. This will help your eyes relax when they start to feel strained by focusing on a computer screen or reading a book. For the best results, focus on this distant object for just a few minutes.
- The hot and cold compression exercise helps blood circulate better around the face and eyeballs. Soak one small towel in warm water and another in cold. Take the warm towel and apply it directly to the face so that it is compressed against the cheeks, closed eyelids and eyebrows. After a few moments, remove the warm towel and apply the cold towel in the same fashion. When the small blood vessels open up from the compressions, your feeling of eye strain will be relieved.
Distant Objects
Hot and Cold Compresses