Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Healthy Living in the Home

One of the ways that you can improve the health of you and your family around the home is by "going green". By making some small changes around the house, you will be surprised at how much healthier you will all become, plus there are cost benefits as well.

Health alternatives to harsh abrasives

For example, household cleaners are mostly filled with toxins and harsh substances that are harmful not only to the environment but also to you. Many of them have labels on them that which detail this and which state they are harmful if direct contact is made. Why not think about switching to some "organic" alternatives, which are now readily available in most supermarkets, or better still you can make you own. Vinegar, lemon, baking soda and salt are all known to have great cleaning properties and mixed with some water you have a very cheap alternative to some of the harsh abrasives that are on the market. Here are some examples that are found around the home and what they can be used for

Baking Soda – Can be used as a scourer and will also deodorize odors.

Lemon – Will kill bacteria and is an acid so is effect on stubborn stains and useful as freshener. If you pop half a lemon into your fridge, it will remove any nasty smells.

Borax – Makes a great disinfectant and cleans and deodorizes at the same time.

White Vinegar – cuts through grease, removes odors and has antiseptic properties.

A simple household cleaner can be made by mixing 1/2 cup of vinegar with a 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/2 gallon of water. Stored in a suitable container, this will keep for months and can be used for cleaning your kitchen cupboards and worktops and also your bathroom, including the suite and tiles.

Healthy food choices

Think about the food that you eat. Is it something you could grow yourself? Many products that are bought from a store come from farms that use pesticides and preservatives. If you are able to plant some fruit and vegetables at home, you will avoid the use of these by using natural alternatives and you will be reducing your carbon footprint at the same time. It will be a lot cheaper and a lot healthier for you and your family. If you have children this is a wonderful way to educate them about the environment and the effects it has on our lives. Fortunately there is a lot of help available if you want to have your own vegetable patch, thanks to green initiatives raised by organic companies wanting to improve the environment and reduce the carbon footprint for families. Seeds and baby plants will cost very little and you can achieve a great harvest that will be far more cost effective and a lot healthier than buying from a store.

There are many ways in which you can improve health at home and these are just some examples. 
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