Removal of Nasal Adhesions-What to Think About
This procedure is more likely to succeed if you follow your doctor's instructions for postsurgery care.
A doctor needs special training to use a laser.
Understanding Tonsillitis -- Diagnosis and Treatment
To check your child's tonsils, gently place the handle of a spoon, if possible, on his or her tongue and ask the child to say "aaahhh" while you shine a light on the back of the throat. If the tonsils look bright red and swollen, see your pediatrician or family doctor. Do not insist on doing this exam if you or the child is reluctant.Often tonsillitis due to a virus looks no different than one caused by bacteria. Your pediatrician will examine your child's tonsils and take a throat swab to check...
Read the Understanding Tonsillitis -- Diagnosis and Treatment article > >
A doctor needs special training to use a laser.
Recommended Related to Oral Health
Understanding Tonsillitis -- Diagnosis and Treatment
To check your child's tonsils, gently place the handle of a spoon, if possible, on his or her tongue and ask the child to say "aaahhh" while you shine a light on the back of the throat. If the tonsils look bright red and swollen, see your pediatrician or family doctor. Do not insist on doing this exam if you or the child is reluctant.Often tonsillitis due to a virus looks no different than one caused by bacteria. Your pediatrician will examine your child's tonsils and take a throat swab to check...
Read the Understanding Tonsillitis -- Diagnosis and Treatment article > >
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