Health & Medical Diabetes

Foot Ulcers - Why Diabetic Patients Are Victims of Wounds

This phenomenon presents in a dramatic way at onset.
There is the case of a middle aged man of about 52 years old; who I observed was walking along a rough road.
His footwear slipped off his foot without his knowledge.
Mindless of that, the man went ahead and hit his left foot against a sharp stone and the foot started bleeding profusely.
To my greatest surprise, the man never felt what happened to him until a passer-by drew his attention to the bleeding leg.
My goodness! That event so glued to my mind that on the day the man died, two years after, I was looking at his feet when others were mourning.
That event troubled me that I went about asking people questions on possible causes of such pain blunting condition.
The answers I got were; "The man was an evil man, perhaps, the gods were after him"; "The evil men cast spirit of forgetfulness on him, which was a prelude to madness" and so on I need not ask you what you think went wrong with the man because your answer may display worse ignorance.
That was a case of undiagnosed diabetes.
The man had diabetes which was not given any medical attention.
Nevertheless, the man's predicament centered around the effects of excessive sugar on the nerves.
The nerves are component of the central nervous system.
They enable someone have sense of touch, heat or pains when hurt.
However, in the presence of excess sugar, the nerves lose potency or even die due to starvation or dehydration.
When any of these happen, the part of the body, like the foot or hand, which the affected nerves supply, loses sensational feelings.
By this also, injury may occur unnoticed as recorded in our case study.
This is why diabetic patients are advised to protect their legs in order to avoid such unanticipated injuries.
Below are few sure diabetes control, prevention and management tips that will help you put the problem of diabetes to a reasonable level, if not cured entirely: o Dietary management.
In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.
o Endeavour to exercise yourself as much as possible.
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