- 1). First, try and calculate how much epoxy you will need to buy. For example, if you are repairing a small hole on a boat, an inexpensive epoxy system can be purchased at any marine store or auto repair center. However, these systems are small usually around 25mls. If you are doing a large composite project, you will likely need more epoxy resin, and it is cheaper to buy it in quantity.
- 2). Try and first source it locally, as shipping is expensive, especially since there will likely be an extra charge for flammable or hazardous material. Use the internet and search for the terms "boat repair", "fiberglass", and "marine repair." Use the Google local search tool to find where they are located in relation to you. When you call the companies, be sure to ask as many questions as you can think of; these people are very friendly and open.
- 3). If you cannot find any suppliers near by, there are many companies on the internet that will ship epoxy resin. It is best to call these companies direct and explain your project. Additionally, there are many different types of epoxy for different uses. Chances are you will be doing a "hand lamination" process; this is where you apply the epoxy resin with a paintbrush or squeegee. Once you order the epoxy, be sure to read as much as you can. Good luck.