Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

How to Stop a Sign Placement in Michigan

    • 1). Contact Scenic Michigan at 231-347-4929. Scenic Michigan is a nonprofit group that tries to prevent billboards and other signs from being erected in the state. The group may be able to help you stop a sign placement.

    • 2). Start a petition to stop the sign placement. Recruit several volunteers and approach Michigan residents outside of grocery stores, gas stations and department stores and explain the situation. Ask residents to sign a petition protesting the sign placement.

    • 3). Attend a city council meeting in your Michigan town. Most communities in Michigan have a city council or other meetings that are open to the public. Call your city hall to find out dates and time. You may also have to alert the meeting organizer that you would like to speak. Bring the petition with you to show the council members that other residents are also concerned.

    • 4). Call your state assemblyman or senator about the issue. Explain how the issue affects the community and industry.

    • 5). Raise awareness of your campaign to stop a sign placement. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Put up signs on the side of the road. Make flyers for local stores. Use social media such as Facebook or Twitter. You want to try to recruit other residents in your Michigan community to help your cause.

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