Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The New Job Jitters

The week has passed and it went by so fast. I got absolutely nothing done that I wanted to accomplished and here I am on my last night before I start my new job. Now that the time is closing in I am starting to miss my last job a bit. The comfort of knowing what to expect. Knowing my co workers around me and my co workers knowing me as well. It was nice just going to work with out having to think anything of it. Now that I am going through the new change it is time to embrace the fear and hope for the best. It is a scary feeling starting a new job kind of like your first day of school. You know absolutely no one at all. You don't know who the jerks are or the lazy people you might be working with. The environment is completely new and you can't help to feel way out of place. The pay is not that great and I will barley be getting by. Hopefully there will be some eye candy and hopefully they are single. Besides that, the whole situation kind of stinks in a way and it makes me continue my dream of winning the lottery. I know I am not going to win the lottery but it is always a good way to escape from reality for a bit.

Even though I am a great worker and completely deserve this job I should be thankful for it. This is a new beginning and a fresh start. I can be who I want to be and this is an opportunity to prove myself and show what I can do. The pay is not that great but I really have to set the money aside and make the best out of what I got. If I go in to work feeling what I make then I am just going to end up how I feel. I am going to do it different this time.

When I wake up tomorrow at 4:00 A.M. for my new job. The first thing I am going to say to myself is I am happy to be alive and thank you God for this day and my new job. I am going to try and fill myself with excitement believing this is going to be the best day of my life. I am not going to worry about any of the workers or the job I am doing. As long as I do my best I can do no more. I am going to smile and be confident. I am going to show everyone how happy I am to be working there. I am going to keep my head up and smile no matter what through out the day. I am sure I will feel different tomorrow morning but, the point is I have nothing to loose if I try my best. Its hard to say how the day is going to go but there is no need to sit around worrying about it. It is going to be what it is.

If you are starting a new job and want to make it interesting. Focus hard on your job and do the best you can. Always try to be better than the next person. Don't be cocky or arrogant but, make it a personal competition for yourself. If you hate what you are doing. Think of a way to enjoy it or find humor in it. Don't think of the money or how much everyone else is making. When a companies hardest worker is only making 10 dollars an hour. Who is going to shine and be noticed for the next available promotion. Never blend in with a crowed. Always offer a helping hand. When someone tells you to stop working hard don't listen to them. Have a positive attitude and treat everyone the same no matter how you feel about them or the bad qualities you notice in their work ethic. Don't be a cancer. Stick with it and always give your new job a couple months at least. I have been at a couple jobs where I hated it for the first month or so but ended up loving it after a while. Hope for the best, be the best, be optimistic and leave your problems at home. You will be fine and you are always learning more and gaining experience.
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