Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that prevents people from being able to get adequate oxygen at night.
By performing exercises before going to bed you can lessen your sleep apnea and you can sleep more easily.
These techniques will help for mild to moderate sleep apnea, but may not be effective if you have severe sleep apnea.
Traditionally, there were only two cures for the problem - surgery or a breathing machine you'd wear at night.
However, a Brazilian study conducted in spring of 2009 proved that tongue and facial exercises can reduce the effects of sleep apnea.
The study showed that 30 minutes of these exercises per day can have a beneficial effect on sleep apnea.
Vowel sounds - Vowel sounds help open your throat and relax the muscles in your mouth.
Repeat all of the vowel sounds in exaggerated tones and really stretch your mouth out.
It may feel ridiculous at first but it will pay off when you get better quality sleep.
Repeat this exercise for two minutes.
Tongue exercise- Press you tongue against the back of your teeth.
Move your tongue back along your soft palate to the start of you throat.
Slide it back and forth along your palate for three minutes.
Pursed lips - This one is easy! Purse your lips tightly and then hold for thirty seconds.
Repeat this for three cycles (thirty seconds pursed, thirty seconds relaxed) Contracted throat - This one may feel difficult at first but it is very helpful.
Concentrate on the muscles at the back of your throat and then contract them.
It's kind of like swallowing and holding the swallow.
Hold the contraction for thirty seconds and then relax for thirty seconds.
Repeat three to four times.
Tongue brushing - The final exercise is something you may already be doing for good hygiene.
Brush your tongue with your toothbrush for at least a minute.
By performing exercises before going to bed you can lessen your sleep apnea and you can sleep more easily.
These techniques will help for mild to moderate sleep apnea, but may not be effective if you have severe sleep apnea.
Traditionally, there were only two cures for the problem - surgery or a breathing machine you'd wear at night.
However, a Brazilian study conducted in spring of 2009 proved that tongue and facial exercises can reduce the effects of sleep apnea.
The study showed that 30 minutes of these exercises per day can have a beneficial effect on sleep apnea.
Vowel sounds - Vowel sounds help open your throat and relax the muscles in your mouth.
Repeat all of the vowel sounds in exaggerated tones and really stretch your mouth out.
It may feel ridiculous at first but it will pay off when you get better quality sleep.
Repeat this exercise for two minutes.
Tongue exercise- Press you tongue against the back of your teeth.
Move your tongue back along your soft palate to the start of you throat.
Slide it back and forth along your palate for three minutes.
Pursed lips - This one is easy! Purse your lips tightly and then hold for thirty seconds.
Repeat this for three cycles (thirty seconds pursed, thirty seconds relaxed) Contracted throat - This one may feel difficult at first but it is very helpful.
Concentrate on the muscles at the back of your throat and then contract them.
It's kind of like swallowing and holding the swallow.
Hold the contraction for thirty seconds and then relax for thirty seconds.
Repeat three to four times.
Tongue brushing - The final exercise is something you may already be doing for good hygiene.
Brush your tongue with your toothbrush for at least a minute.