The more i play this game, the more it seems to grow on me, but something i'm beginning to become very aware of is the amount of menus you have to go through to get anywhere. It begins to get frustrating especially when you learn where everything is, they can also take a while to load sometimes. I'll see if i can break down the menus for you- from entering the game to actually getting in a race.
im just going to go with career here
career>continue/load screen>career map>confusing race selection menu>select your cars to use in the modes>race events>race or practice>car select
Menu selections written in text do seem long but compare this menu map to any other racing game you can think of, you will notice the difference straightaway. Sometimes you feel you spend more time in the menus than actually racing and driving your car.
Well the game modes featured are top speed run, Drift, Drag, Time attack, Grip and Grip Class and sector shootout.
The top speed run is a very intense high speed race, there seems to be two takes on this mode, one where your purely out to set a very high speed record, it gives a total sum of all your speeds through the gates i.e about 5 gates at 100mph adds up to 500mph. whoever has the highest total at the end wins. then theres just a straight up race to the finish line. While it doesn't sound to interesting in concept it's what happens in the races that makes it fun and worth while, i must admit i do get a bit of a adrenaline kick out of it. The sense of speed is epic, theres no other words for it, when your doing 200mph, its not just figures on your speedo, you really feel like your doing 200mph.
If anyone here has actually done 200mph, play the demo and tell me if it seems like 200mph, I can believe it!. The tracks are all very characteristic and slightly reminiscent of each other, but every time it still feels fresh. What adds to the drama of it all is the fact if you hit a slight bump in the road at 150mph+ you WILL know about it for sure, it really does unsettle the car quite dramaticaly, if it sets you in a spin and you can't recover, theres a very good chance you will total your car which, granted, sucks, but you will witness such an amazing crash you'll end up like woah, that was so worth it.
Especially if you have total repair markers. The crashes are fantastic. it's also amazing to be slipstreaming a car at 180+ and watch as he's on the edge of control, or even better crashes! you'll end up slowing to witness his crash, if theres cars battling up front you have to be aware of parts flying off their cars as this could critically damage your car as well, a flying bumper could end your race, a flailing bonnet could smash your windscreen, a wild wing mirror could cut your panels up pretty bad.
What I notice was quite realistic when driving round one of those high speed banks at about 160, i tuned my bodykit for considerable downforce, and lowered the car alot, there would be moments when no wheels touched the ground and i'd skid for a split second on the underside of the car, sparks flying, not wise and lost me alot of time and places, but pretty cool to witness.The game seems to work with actual real air flow. I was curious to see if this was so, so i raised the ride hieght, and looked at the car at different speeds, at 150+ it was visually lower than 100mph cruise. So i thought that was pretty impressive.
Unfortunatly that fun isnt carried across into the drift mode, this is whats bugged me about all "drift" oriented games, they make it far to accessible for anyone to use that it ruins the game in major way for more expierienced players or people who know and love drifting. They kept the smae physics engine across the other modes, so why change it for drift, the car floats if you steer just a fraction you will go into a TOTALLY controlled by the computer drift, your input is next to nothing. drifting in grip mode is semi-realistic, The idea of PURELY drifting, excluding a way to get around a track faster, the idea of drifting is purely showmanship, It's a skill.
A very hard to learn skill about controlling a car right on the edge and over just before losing control altogether. It's about precision, finesse, showmanship and skill.
In NFS prostreet it showcases none of these, I found it totally unenjoyable, awkward to control, the car doesnt react how it should. even a kid will notice this, they won't care but they will know its nothing like real drifting or what they may think is "skidding". You do not have to have any skill or practice to get the car sideways, you just turn and accelerate then turn a bit more, maybe the opposite way. In this respect I don't even think a casual gamer would enjoy it, theres no real fun in it or skill required so drifting in this game is a unfulfilling expierience. FORTUNATLY the sound does recover this and of course the really realistic 3d smoke effects. But beautiful sound and graphics are all that makes drifting enjoyable in NFS pro street.
I am not one for Drag races and drag racing, in fact i find them quite boring, but in Pro Street, Its very enjoyable. I love at the beginning the mini-game where you have to heat up your tires, apart from the fact it looks and sounds good, it can give you quite a nice advantage over an opponent, especially if they have a much more powerful car than you, If you play the game right, it will give you tremendous grip off the line which could be just what you need to seal the win.
Whats pretty cool with the rear-wheel drive cars, Once you get more power out of your engine and mess around with the fine tuning, the cars will actually wheely under the acceleration, I have yet to witness this myself so i don't know how or if it affects the weight shift of the car i.e Loading up to much on the rear-right wheel meaning the car will start to veer to the left. I've seen a few videos on youtube, looks like it is quite realistic. Of course I'll tell you when I get there. Again the a.i. seem real, occasionally they will blow their engine, miss a cog or just poorly shift.
Unlike the drift mode, there is definitie skill involved here, to the point that if you manage to perfect start and perfect shift all your way down the strip, you will feel quite impressed with yourself, I found that theres also alot of strategy to how and when you use your nitrous if you get it installed, it could cost you the race just as easily as it could win you the race. Theres also a 1/2 mile drag which is alot of fun, you can get some serious speed going, and if you have a bad start it could help you recover quite nicely. It has made me begin to see the fascination of getting your car down a 1/4 mile in stupendous time, like drifting(not need for speed pro street drifting) it's a bit of an art form and skill set in that the very slightest tweak or alternation of ones technique could make or break their time.It's a pursuit of perfection, and i think thats where the addiction lies
The time attack is nothing to new or exciting, but again they really capture the track day feeling, theres a very wide range of cars, anything from a 200bhp ae86 to a 800bhp chevy or supra, all the cars are set off at timed intervals and they are always on track and all you have to do is set the fastest time in a nutshell, obviously with all the cars on track if your going alot faster than them they could hold you up. This has cost me the race a couple of times but it's nice to see all these other cars out there competing for the same time, instead of you on your own with a goal time to beat, if you set a new record you get a cash bonus which is usually quite handsome and that time stands true on the grip and sector shootout races, which basically means you have many and every chance to set another record. Another thing that struck me as quite a cool feature is, body parts stay out on the track between races so the funny thing is it could screw up the other drivers races if something like a bonnet gets caught under there car. Top tips here...crash alot, shed some weight, win alot of money, screw up other drivers' chance of winning, repair your car and keep the spare change! ;) pretty lush
The final 2 modes are the grip class and sector shootout, the sector shootout is quite an intense race.The track is split up into Sectors and your allocated a certain amount of points per sector-you have to get through the sector in the least amount of points possible, I think its about 800 points per sector so you have to get to the next sector before that runs out. Its like this: <>(800)>>counting down>>(650)>><>(450)---I scored 450 points for that sector, The computer suddenly wakes up in this mode, they keep pushing more and more- sometimes it ending up in them totalling there car, or you totalling yours trying to match the pace. It can be quite a good rush.The Crip class road is a load of random cars thrown out on the track and your basicly categorized by nearest power, its split into two groups Group A and Group B i think group A is 0-600bhp, Group B is 600bhp-1000+. It's usually 8 cars to a race and if you come in fourth but was first in your class you win. So while its nothing to innovative it adds to that track day feel and you get to see a nice range of cars on track.
im just going to go with career here
career>continue/load screen>career map>confusing race selection menu>select your cars to use in the modes>race events>race or practice>car select
Menu selections written in text do seem long but compare this menu map to any other racing game you can think of, you will notice the difference straightaway. Sometimes you feel you spend more time in the menus than actually racing and driving your car.
Well the game modes featured are top speed run, Drift, Drag, Time attack, Grip and Grip Class and sector shootout.
The top speed run is a very intense high speed race, there seems to be two takes on this mode, one where your purely out to set a very high speed record, it gives a total sum of all your speeds through the gates i.e about 5 gates at 100mph adds up to 500mph. whoever has the highest total at the end wins. then theres just a straight up race to the finish line. While it doesn't sound to interesting in concept it's what happens in the races that makes it fun and worth while, i must admit i do get a bit of a adrenaline kick out of it. The sense of speed is epic, theres no other words for it, when your doing 200mph, its not just figures on your speedo, you really feel like your doing 200mph.
If anyone here has actually done 200mph, play the demo and tell me if it seems like 200mph, I can believe it!. The tracks are all very characteristic and slightly reminiscent of each other, but every time it still feels fresh. What adds to the drama of it all is the fact if you hit a slight bump in the road at 150mph+ you WILL know about it for sure, it really does unsettle the car quite dramaticaly, if it sets you in a spin and you can't recover, theres a very good chance you will total your car which, granted, sucks, but you will witness such an amazing crash you'll end up like woah, that was so worth it.
Especially if you have total repair markers. The crashes are fantastic. it's also amazing to be slipstreaming a car at 180+ and watch as he's on the edge of control, or even better crashes! you'll end up slowing to witness his crash, if theres cars battling up front you have to be aware of parts flying off their cars as this could critically damage your car as well, a flying bumper could end your race, a flailing bonnet could smash your windscreen, a wild wing mirror could cut your panels up pretty bad.
What I notice was quite realistic when driving round one of those high speed banks at about 160, i tuned my bodykit for considerable downforce, and lowered the car alot, there would be moments when no wheels touched the ground and i'd skid for a split second on the underside of the car, sparks flying, not wise and lost me alot of time and places, but pretty cool to witness.The game seems to work with actual real air flow. I was curious to see if this was so, so i raised the ride hieght, and looked at the car at different speeds, at 150+ it was visually lower than 100mph cruise. So i thought that was pretty impressive.
Unfortunatly that fun isnt carried across into the drift mode, this is whats bugged me about all "drift" oriented games, they make it far to accessible for anyone to use that it ruins the game in major way for more expierienced players or people who know and love drifting. They kept the smae physics engine across the other modes, so why change it for drift, the car floats if you steer just a fraction you will go into a TOTALLY controlled by the computer drift, your input is next to nothing. drifting in grip mode is semi-realistic, The idea of PURELY drifting, excluding a way to get around a track faster, the idea of drifting is purely showmanship, It's a skill.
A very hard to learn skill about controlling a car right on the edge and over just before losing control altogether. It's about precision, finesse, showmanship and skill.
In NFS prostreet it showcases none of these, I found it totally unenjoyable, awkward to control, the car doesnt react how it should. even a kid will notice this, they won't care but they will know its nothing like real drifting or what they may think is "skidding". You do not have to have any skill or practice to get the car sideways, you just turn and accelerate then turn a bit more, maybe the opposite way. In this respect I don't even think a casual gamer would enjoy it, theres no real fun in it or skill required so drifting in this game is a unfulfilling expierience. FORTUNATLY the sound does recover this and of course the really realistic 3d smoke effects. But beautiful sound and graphics are all that makes drifting enjoyable in NFS pro street.
I am not one for Drag races and drag racing, in fact i find them quite boring, but in Pro Street, Its very enjoyable. I love at the beginning the mini-game where you have to heat up your tires, apart from the fact it looks and sounds good, it can give you quite a nice advantage over an opponent, especially if they have a much more powerful car than you, If you play the game right, it will give you tremendous grip off the line which could be just what you need to seal the win.
Whats pretty cool with the rear-wheel drive cars, Once you get more power out of your engine and mess around with the fine tuning, the cars will actually wheely under the acceleration, I have yet to witness this myself so i don't know how or if it affects the weight shift of the car i.e Loading up to much on the rear-right wheel meaning the car will start to veer to the left. I've seen a few videos on youtube, looks like it is quite realistic. Of course I'll tell you when I get there. Again the a.i. seem real, occasionally they will blow their engine, miss a cog or just poorly shift.
Unlike the drift mode, there is definitie skill involved here, to the point that if you manage to perfect start and perfect shift all your way down the strip, you will feel quite impressed with yourself, I found that theres also alot of strategy to how and when you use your nitrous if you get it installed, it could cost you the race just as easily as it could win you the race. Theres also a 1/2 mile drag which is alot of fun, you can get some serious speed going, and if you have a bad start it could help you recover quite nicely. It has made me begin to see the fascination of getting your car down a 1/4 mile in stupendous time, like drifting(not need for speed pro street drifting) it's a bit of an art form and skill set in that the very slightest tweak or alternation of ones technique could make or break their time.It's a pursuit of perfection, and i think thats where the addiction lies
The time attack is nothing to new or exciting, but again they really capture the track day feeling, theres a very wide range of cars, anything from a 200bhp ae86 to a 800bhp chevy or supra, all the cars are set off at timed intervals and they are always on track and all you have to do is set the fastest time in a nutshell, obviously with all the cars on track if your going alot faster than them they could hold you up. This has cost me the race a couple of times but it's nice to see all these other cars out there competing for the same time, instead of you on your own with a goal time to beat, if you set a new record you get a cash bonus which is usually quite handsome and that time stands true on the grip and sector shootout races, which basically means you have many and every chance to set another record. Another thing that struck me as quite a cool feature is, body parts stay out on the track between races so the funny thing is it could screw up the other drivers races if something like a bonnet gets caught under there car. Top tips here...crash alot, shed some weight, win alot of money, screw up other drivers' chance of winning, repair your car and keep the spare change! ;) pretty lush
The final 2 modes are the grip class and sector shootout, the sector shootout is quite an intense race.The track is split up into Sectors and your allocated a certain amount of points per sector-you have to get through the sector in the least amount of points possible, I think its about 800 points per sector so you have to get to the next sector before that runs out. Its like this: <>(800)>>counting down>>(650)>><>(450)---I scored 450 points for that sector, The computer suddenly wakes up in this mode, they keep pushing more and more- sometimes it ending up in them totalling there car, or you totalling yours trying to match the pace. It can be quite a good rush.The Crip class road is a load of random cars thrown out on the track and your basicly categorized by nearest power, its split into two groups Group A and Group B i think group A is 0-600bhp, Group B is 600bhp-1000+. It's usually 8 cars to a race and if you come in fourth but was first in your class you win. So while its nothing to innovative it adds to that track day feel and you get to see a nice range of cars on track.