Relation with many people is routine jobs in human resources department. So, relationship skill, especially emphatic for people character is important for HR career. Eneagram derived from the Greek "ennea" which means nine. Nine in here is the translation of the nine types of natural energy, which store each type of character. Nine types are distinguished in the way people to make choices, behave, to cultivate genuine nature itself in everyday life. The nine types of human nature are: Perfectionists, Helper, Achiever, Romantic, Observer, Questionnaire, Adventurer, Assessor, and Peacemaker.
For people who have responsibility in Human Resources Department, understanding about people character help make decision what kind of job that suitable with people character.
- Perfectionist: temperament tends to be realistic, have a sensitive conscience, and has a strong life principle. They like to fight for something that weighs a high idealism. This character type is a character type of workers. He describes the people who are always pursuing perfection. He does not easily give up despite heavy burden to bear. However, because it requires everyone else to be perfect like him, then tends to look for errors. In his office he had become very sensitive to various errors or unfair treatment from his superiors.
- Helper: People who have a tendency helper type character, is very concerned with the environment, like reinforcing / encouraging, and sensitive to the needs of others. This is the type of person who likes helping others. Type of helper is a person who is very friendly, attentive, and willing to serve others. But, because of too disappointed or criticize, he will be angry. They always haunted by her subconscious fears of waste for the environment. That's why he tried to make her life meaningful for others. Although manifestly not demand retribution, They actually crave attention, at least an acknowledgment of what he did for others.
- Achiever: People who type having tendency achievers are passionate life character, always on the optimistic, high self confident, and actions directed at something that will be achieved. This character type is also called the type of motivator. Motivator type can be found at the top of American companies and Japan. People who have a similar type usually is the workaholic who is very obsessed with efficiency. He tends to set high goals and worked very efficiently in order to achieve success. If necessary do not hesitate to override the interests of families and even health. This is not uncommon to have an impact on the work environment. he demands the same level of commitment towards his subordinates, but with demands which are sometimes "tortured" the men around him, instead she is often stressful.
- Romantic: romantic type has a sense of trends in sensitive high character, full of warmth of interaction, and understanding. This character type often called "individualist, the man who always adjust the uniqueness of self, creativity, and emotion at the highest level. Because sees himself as a human being different from others, he was not happy with the things that are mediocre. To him everyone should have a uniqueness that stands out. He was obsessed with working with his own unique way so it is more like it shut down to work with others. People like this if given the freedom tend to be in solidarity and even isolated from the surrounding environment.
- Observer: It has a tendency of character a great need for knowledge. He is introverted, curious nature, likes to analyze everything, and have in-depth view of everything, often also called the type of thinker. Usually the person seems clever, analytical thinking and decisive in making decisions, although poor in relationship. They shouldn't take the time to exchange thoughts or feelings with others, his attention only on the field and too effort in the pursuit of science. Unfortunately, despite his intellectual no doubt, he was lazy to work. To overcome this weakness, he must take concrete action initiatives. This is logical because to be able to find out what had happened, a person must be involved in it.
- Questionnaire: Have a responsible character, trustworthy and loyal to family life. Often also called loyalists character because he was trustworthy, honest, and act in accordance with prevailing norms. To act with caution and worry about mistakes. This feeling was carried in the atmosphere continue to work so he is often haunted by the fear and anxiety. He needs to have a trustworthy relationship, with this he can reduce anxiety and be able to accomplish more than usual.
- Adventurer: Having the character traits of living a passionate, energetic and optimistic. He wanted to produce something for the world. Often also called a character has always been optimistic enthusiasm for the future even in adverse conditions. He will try his best to avoid stress. But if the situation worsened, he easily change, choose another job that is considered better. Although his life was not always successful, it was hard to accept failure or suffering.
- Assessor: He has a temperament like frank, direct, candid, self-confidence is high. Size is something beneficial relationships themselves and protective. This is the type of leadership character. He is a person endowed with the power and ability to influence others, but tend to appear "cruel" towards the world around them. He refused to compromise with what has been believed. If it holds the power can be dangerous because it tends to authoritarianism.
- Peacemaker: He has a tendency receptive nature, kind and who likes to support the principle of life. Liking unity with others and avoid conflict, peace-loving. This was reflected in his personality that does not like competition. He always tried to be calm and peaceful environment. He was not able to express his feelings clearly and transparently. The absence of strong self-confidence tends to make it expects others to motivate themselves.
For people who have responsibility in Human Resources Department, understanding about people character help make decision what kind of job that suitable with people character.