- The main purpose of a changing table is to have a safe place to put a baby down to change her diaper. According to BabyCenter, a newborn can go through eight to 10 diapers each day, so consider storing several days' worth of diapers at the change table, along with pins or wraps if using cloth diapers. A container of baby wipes is also crucial to clean a little one's bottom.
- While parents are changing a diaper, they often discover that the diaper leaked and the baby needs clean pants. Or the little one might spit up during the change so that her shirt now looks and smells less than pretty. A baby's dresser usually is not within arms' reach, so it may be wise to store a few extra outfits at the changing table for times such as these.
- A small basket is a perfect addition to a changing table for storing some essential health products for an infant. Eventually, all babies develop a diaper rash, so have a cream to apply at the first sign of redness. Healthy Children suggests using a product with zinc oxide or petroleum jelly.
In addition, have a pair of baby fingernail clippers or scissors to keep a little one's nails trim so that she doesn't scratch herself. It's also useful to have a thermometer at the changing table to use while a baby is lying down. A bottle of baby lotion should be kept handy to apply to any dry patches on an infant's skin. - As infants grow into mobile little beings, parents can find it a challenge to get them to lie still, even for a minute, to change a diaper. Keep a selection of small toys nearby that a baby can look at while parents take care of business. Put some colorful pictures on the wall next to the changing table to distract a baby who needs to be still. Even a small CD player that plays some soothing music on the changing table may calm a fussy baby and help get the job done.
Diapers and Wipes
Spare Clothes
Baby Health-Related Supplies
Toys and Distractions