- 1). Inspect the inner foundation for leaks. If the leaks are not major, you may not want to repair them. If they are harmful to your foundation or basement, you can proceed with the following steps.
- 2). Repair any leaks that you have found. To do this, you will have to dig deep beside the leaking wall and apply a thick layer of foundation tar. Then place a drainage tube along the bottom of the ditch to divert future water.
- 3). Inspect the interior foundation walls for cracks. If the cracks are larger than one inch wide, call a contractor to deal with them. If they are not, continue with the step below.
- 4). Create a dry, thick cement plaster mixture. Insert the plaster into the cracks and smooth the surface with a flat trowel. Wait a day or so for the crack to dry and monitor it to see if it reappears. If it does, call a contractor immediately.
- 5). Inspect the house for signs of termites. Look for termites under steps, porches or landscape planters. You will see mud tunnels and trails piles of sawdust around the outside of the house.
- 6). Kill the termites by replacing any outdoor wood possible and spreading soil termite killer.