Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Increase Vertical Workouts and Get Stronger

Whether you are a professional athlete or just a part-time, weekend athlete, you want to get better at what you do.
Most sports that we all play involve some sort of jumping, and you can make a huge difference in your performance by using vertical workouts as part of your overall training plan.
In order to increase vertical jumps, workouts should be multi-faceted, including all sorts of training.
The most obvious type of training is aerobic or cardiovascular, but you can't forget strength training, either.
Some athletes who are trying to learn how to jump higher forget that it does take a tremendous amount of strength to do it.
You will need to put in time with the weights in order to build the muscles to move yourself upward.
Vertical workouts also require you to be light, so if you are carrying around a little extra weight, then now is the time to lose it.
You will find that just by losing a few pounds, you can almost immediately increase your vertical jump, as gravity thanks you.
Finally, plyometrics are a way to amplify exercises fairly quickly.
These power moves involve hopping, jumping, skipping or doing other exaggerated movements that mimic a jump that you would do in your sport.
You can do them with or without weights, but they must be done quickly and with force.
You may think that a good vertical jump is a natural talent, but that is rarely the case.
The little guys on the court who can dunk can do so because they practiced it over and over again.
They may have some natural talent, but it is mostly practice and persistence that got them where they are.
On the other side of the coin are those guys who are well over six feet tall who can't even get close to dunking.
They have the height and they probably have the strength, but they are either carrying too much weight or haven't worked on the technique enough to be able to carry it off.
By working on your technique as part of your workout plan, you will see some fairly immediate differences in what you can do, whether it is on the basketball court, the volleyball court or in any other sport.
Even if you weren't born with huge hops, you can learn how to get them.
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