Health & Medical Mental Health

Depression and Suicide - How to Prevent Both

Contrary to popular belief medications do not work and as such we need something better.
Suicide is not that easy and most who attempt continue to live but with worse stigmas so obviously we are seeking a more caring compassionate loving and enlightened approach.
My approach is different and it works.
On that vein let's try this: Kick your toe off the corner of the bed and while hopping around the floor in agony ask of yourself am I hurting or do I think I am.
Then as you massage life back into your wee toe think of how you can massage the niggling urge in your brain to sleep or not to sleep.
You can easily identify with physical pain but identifying with mental pain is an entirely different matter altogether.
Hmmm? Actually while depressed a stubbed toe could be disastrous especially if it is a prolonged depression and the darkened cave is becoming quite claustrophobic.
The fact you are walking around is a good thing so let us work with that for starters.
Prevention is always better than a cure and wearing slippers prevents stubbed toes.
So what is the form that could resemble a slipper but works on the brain and emotions? Water actually! It is scientifically proven that we are not drinking enough water and consequently our brain is under extreme pressure to thrive.
Why do we do this to our most important organ? Stupidity is our greatest characteristic, for want of a better word, although irreverent would be an improvement and all because we believe the advertisements promoting unhealthy living and all through the guise of fun to boot.
Oh dear it is time to wake up! In order to wipe away our irreverent behaviours we shall pay absolute attention to our intake of water.
Under no circumstances believe that liquids are all inclusive because au contraire water stands alone and is not included under the umbrella of liquids.
Can you drink too much water? Yes of course you can just like you can eat too much crap or drink too much caffeinated drinks or alcohol.
Our body is made up of practically 90% water thus it needs refilling daily - with water.
Now that we know water is the first step what else are we to do to assist water and our blood cells but recognise our intake of salt too.
Too much is worse than too little so moderation works and remember to apply that to everything in life.
Add four dollops of humour too as frequently as possible throughout the day, otherwise the hospital shall be welcoming you and we do not want that now do we.
Do not even think about the coroner, because as much as we all like labels there is one label we can do without; the identity label on on on our big toe.
Phew! Do you want to live in harmony with Universal magic? Yes! Excellent! There are actually two primary options for preventing depression and suicide and they are lifestyle changes and knowing our spirits purpose.
Not whiskey mind you but the Divine Spirit of which we all originated.
To imagine that life is separate from spirit is suicidal in and of itself with or without mental adversity; let alone drunkenness.
Hermes, Paracelsus, Pythagoras, Aristotle and especially Culpepper not to mention Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu etc.
and the most modern of all - the flower essence man - Bach - have all highlighted in no uncertain terms the importance of re-connecting with spirit.
Religions have done such a number on humanity that we are oblivious to the truth and identity of spirit thus we ignore to our peril that which shall save our lives - indefinitely.
Yes there are activities essential to healthy living like these: I) exercise, 2) humour, 3) diet, 4) meditation, 5) music, 6) gardening, 7) outdoor activities and 8) LOVE.
But there is one more as essential as these - re-connecting with source.
Oh sure I could say do what this doctor says and do what that doctor says.
Take this and take that.
Follow this procedure and that procedure.
For what? None of them work restoratively and all we have to do is count the statistics on a worldwide basis to know all of them are failing miserably.
Worse - they shall continue to do so as long as we remain asleep to spirit.
Let me say this for a moment.
All maladies on the world circuit not just depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia, cancer and diabetes, etc.
are all manifestations of our delusion that the physical world is all important.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our perception of the physical world dissolves and everything we think is important dissolves with it as soon as we take our last breath.
However we desire to prolong the interval before our last breath takes effect, so please continue living happily.
Every single mystic that ever lived has encouraged us to meditate yet few of us actually follow through with this advice.
Meditation is actually as important as breathing because it separates the bullology from truth and thus your life breathes newness perpetually not staleness of repetitive memories.
Depression and suicide are often symptoms of other serious maladies as well as stand-alone maladies.
However, through spirit all maladies throughout the globe relative to earth wind fire water spirit and ether shall diminish when we collectively KNOW and Embrace the EXPERIENCE of the TRUTH of our DIVINE connectedness.
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