Health & Medical Nutrition

5 Reasons Chia Seeds Health Benefits Kick Flax's Butt

Black chia seeds in handYesterday flax - also known as linseed- was the health foodie's baby; nowadays chia rose to fame. What's going on? Are chia seeds health benefits really so much better?

It's not exactly a "my superfood is better than yours" conflict. There are some genuine reasons you should consider switching out flax for chia. Read these five reasons to educate yourself on why chia is believed to be a wiser selection than flax...and then make an informed decision on your own.

1. Estrogen Dominance: A Scary Risk to Take

What on earth is estrogen dominance? In simple English, it's what appears when one's body's estrogen levels go too high. The effects of estrogen dominance are not comfortable:
  1. Young girls get to puberty prematurely, which can be dangerous both physically and emotionally.
  2. Grown women encounter uncomfortable periods and difficult menopauses.
  3. Ever heard the expression "man breasts?" It's no laughing matter - men can become estrogen dominant just like women, and develop breasts.

Then, what's the link between estrogen dominance and flax? Well, flaxseed is a phytoestrogen, or plant-based estrogen. Certain scientific studies has illustrated that phytoestrogens pose as the natural estrogens in our bodies, which raises our estrogen levels.

The accuracy of this claim has yet to be proved conclusively, but, if you have any fear at all that you could be estrogen dominant, you might want to keep away from flaxseed.
The alternative? Chia seeds are not estrogenic like flax. Switching to chia instead of flax can't hurt - and it may help you avoid unnecessary health problems.

2. A Whole Lot More Omega-3s

What are omega-3 fatty acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. In order to preserve fine health, your diet must be loaded in omega-3 fatty acids.
Scientific research demonstrates that omega-3 fatty acids may:
  • safeguard against the build up of a protein involved with Alzheimer's disease
  • help lower triglycerides
  • assist to lower high blood pressure
  • multiply "good" cholesterol

These are only a few of the benefits. Lots of research is being done on omega-3 fatty acids, and we're constantly discovering new ways to integrate it into our meal plans.

So, how does chia come into the picture? Well, flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids - but chia is even richer.

3. Chia Stays Fresh For Five Years

Have you ever happened upon rancid flax? Nasty! Chia seeds remain stable for much longer than flaxseed. The seeds can conveniently be stockpiled for up to 5 years without wasting flavor or nutritional value.

Why does chia have such an extensive shelf life? Chia seeds holds an incredible amount of antioxidants. The antioxidants in chia stop it from going rancid like flaxseed. Consider this if you decide to purchase your health foods in bulk to save money.

4. Even More Fiber Than Flax

What's so great about fiber? Well, it's a vital part of your eating habits. The recommended amount is about 18 grams per day.

Fiber is only found in plant foods, and if your diet is heavy on fish or meat it might be problematic to get the recommended total amount of fiber. That's why grains with lots of fiber, like flax and chia, are so beneficial. You can get quite a lot of fiber without having to consume huge volumes.

So, which do you suppose has more fiber - flax seeds or chia seeds? You know it - chia has 25 percent more fiber than flaxseed!

5. Hypothyroidism? Not With Chia

Remember phytoestrogens? Additionally, after perhaps giving rise to estrogen dominance, they are feared to influence hypothyroidism. If you have a history of thyroid imbalance, you should consider skipping the flax.

As you recall, chia is not estrogenic, so you can comfortably exchange flax with chia in your food plan. This means you will enjoy all the benefits with none of the risks.

Chia seeds' health benefits don't have to cost you an arm and a leg, either. Find out where to buy chia seeds for less than the price of a cup of coffee at
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