Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease.
It is menacing, silent and caused by the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatic.
The U.
Centers for Disease Control calculates the approximate costs linked with Chlamydia in the United States are to be over $2 billion annually.
Since Chlamydia often shows no symptoms, the disease frequently goes untreated until it has caused serious consequences in both men and women.
However, in about 15-25% of the cases of Chlamydia in women, and 50% of cases in men, there are symptoms.
You should see a doctor to be checked for Chlamydia if you are active sexually and having any of the following symptoms: -a yellowish, pussy or mucous-y vaginal discharge -burning with urination -a persistent, smelly vaginal discharge -any discharge from your anus -light vaginal bleeding or spotting, especially right after intercourse -frequent lower abdominal pain, particularly if it worsens during menstruation -anal bleeding -frequent lower back pain, particularly if it worsens during menstruation If Chlamydia goes untreated, it may result in more serious conditions which affect the urethral and reproductive systems.
In females, it may cause scarring that can block the fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility and increasing the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg implants itself in the fallopian tube rather than in the uterus.
This can result in rupture of the fallopian tube which may be fatal.
The disease may also cause urethral scarring, especially in men, and can cause low fertility and infertility.
Chlamydia can also result in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which may lead to persistent and chronic pelvic pain, and infertility.
According to CDC statistics, 40% of women with untreated Chlamydia will develop PID, and of those, 20% will become infertile because of it.
18% will deal with chronic pain seriously affecting their day to day life, and 9% will have an ectopic pregnancy.
Even more alarming, other recent studies have asserted that women with Chlamydia are from 3-5 times more likely to acquire HIV when exposed to it.
It is menacing, silent and caused by the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatic.
The U.
Centers for Disease Control calculates the approximate costs linked with Chlamydia in the United States are to be over $2 billion annually.
Since Chlamydia often shows no symptoms, the disease frequently goes untreated until it has caused serious consequences in both men and women.
However, in about 15-25% of the cases of Chlamydia in women, and 50% of cases in men, there are symptoms.
You should see a doctor to be checked for Chlamydia if you are active sexually and having any of the following symptoms: -a yellowish, pussy or mucous-y vaginal discharge -burning with urination -a persistent, smelly vaginal discharge -any discharge from your anus -light vaginal bleeding or spotting, especially right after intercourse -frequent lower abdominal pain, particularly if it worsens during menstruation -anal bleeding -frequent lower back pain, particularly if it worsens during menstruation If Chlamydia goes untreated, it may result in more serious conditions which affect the urethral and reproductive systems.
In females, it may cause scarring that can block the fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility and increasing the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
In an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg implants itself in the fallopian tube rather than in the uterus.
This can result in rupture of the fallopian tube which may be fatal.
The disease may also cause urethral scarring, especially in men, and can cause low fertility and infertility.
Chlamydia can also result in chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which may lead to persistent and chronic pelvic pain, and infertility.
According to CDC statistics, 40% of women with untreated Chlamydia will develop PID, and of those, 20% will become infertile because of it.
18% will deal with chronic pain seriously affecting their day to day life, and 9% will have an ectopic pregnancy.
Even more alarming, other recent studies have asserted that women with Chlamydia are from 3-5 times more likely to acquire HIV when exposed to it.