- 1). Get a diagnostic evaluation from a physician and psychiatrist or psychologist. Ask the doctor to rule out hypoglycemia, diabetes, endocrine disorders, generalized resistance to thyroid hormone, hypertension, sleep disorders, and nutritional deficiencies. Also, get an evaluation for possible high levels of heavy metals such as lead or copper.
- 2). Rule out learning disabilities, anxiety, bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder and depression during an evaluation with a psychiatrist or psychologist.
- 3). Get a referral to an allergist to evaluate for food and environmental allergies. Sensitivities to dust, mold, pet dander or toxins in the home can contribute to ADHD symptoms.
- 4). Use an elimination diet to identify problematic foods. Under supervision of your doctor or allergist, remove all foods from the diet that might aggravate ADHD symptoms, then monitor symptoms as you add foods one at a time back into your diet. Food sensitivities and allergies that can cause ADHD symptoms include: wheat products, dairy products, manufactured or processed foods, foods with flavorings or artificial colors, refined sugar, and monosodium glutamate (MSG).
ADHD symptoms can also be exacerbated by foods that contain salicylates such as almonds, apples, apricots, berries, cherries, cucumbers, currants, oranges, peaches, peppers, plums, prunes and tomatoes. - 1). Implement a diet high in protein and low in simple carbohydrates to stabilize blood sugar levels and enhance metabolism. Add high protein foods such as beans, tofu, cheese, eggs, meat and nuts to the diet. Include protein at breakfast and in the late afternoon to improve concentration.
- 2). Include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet (except those that contain salicylates listed in Step 4 of Section 1).
- 3). Increase consumption of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, salmon, herring, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and olive and canola oil.
- 4). Add a 100% multivitamin and mineral supplement to your daily routine.
- 5). Eat small, healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables in between meals to stabilize blood sugar.
Diagnose and Identify Other Possible Causes
Improve Diet and Nutrition to Reverse ADHD