Since there has been much discussion on forums lately about blogging, I vote for WordPress.
It is definitely the best site building software for other frugal do it yourself control freaks, like me! This software platform is great for the self employed business person, homepreneurs, solopreneurs, mini- and micro-business owners, and anyone who wants to get up a site in less than an hours time.
All you need is a little knowledge or mentoring, plus a domain name and Web host.
There is practically no code writing to do although a basic familiarity with html is beneficial.
You can add content as easily as using a word processing program.
The latest WordPress version (2.
9) has a simple to use photo manipulation feature.
Videos can easily be added to enhance your presentation.
It is ready for Search Engine Optimization.
This WordPress platform is ideal for a smaller five to ten page site, and offers unlimited sub-pages.
The platform was primarily designed for blogging.
It can be configured as a traditional sight (no sidebars), with one or two sidebars, as well as divided sidebars.
When used as a traditional site, a blog can also be used to easily add content to the site and attract search engines.
WordPress' origins are in Open Source software under the GPL.
As such, it is distributed freely.
However, when considering a business blog, there are several alternatives to consider and questions to ask and answer.
com is a stand alone site where you can register with an email address and password and then blog freely.
However, a WordPress.
com site cannot be commercialized.
org, on the other hand, can be monetized.
It offers the same platform for on-site hosting (on your own Website) and can be used either as an add on blog to your regular site, a stand alone blog, or a combination site with a blog.
If you opt for the former, you may migrate to the later if you are building a traditional business site because it is one of the easiest ways to add content.
And, if you want to control your own Website and not pay a developer's cost, there is no better solution.
You might have to settle for normal "stock graphics that do not offer much pizazz.
That is unless you opt for a theme where you can customize the header.
Then you will need some basic graphic arts skills to make one.
It is definitely the best site building software for other frugal do it yourself control freaks, like me! This software platform is great for the self employed business person, homepreneurs, solopreneurs, mini- and micro-business owners, and anyone who wants to get up a site in less than an hours time.
All you need is a little knowledge or mentoring, plus a domain name and Web host.
There is practically no code writing to do although a basic familiarity with html is beneficial.
You can add content as easily as using a word processing program.
The latest WordPress version (2.
9) has a simple to use photo manipulation feature.
Videos can easily be added to enhance your presentation.
It is ready for Search Engine Optimization.
This WordPress platform is ideal for a smaller five to ten page site, and offers unlimited sub-pages.
The platform was primarily designed for blogging.
It can be configured as a traditional sight (no sidebars), with one or two sidebars, as well as divided sidebars.
When used as a traditional site, a blog can also be used to easily add content to the site and attract search engines.
WordPress' origins are in Open Source software under the GPL.
As such, it is distributed freely.
However, when considering a business blog, there are several alternatives to consider and questions to ask and answer.
com is a stand alone site where you can register with an email address and password and then blog freely.
However, a WordPress.
com site cannot be commercialized.
org, on the other hand, can be monetized.
It offers the same platform for on-site hosting (on your own Website) and can be used either as an add on blog to your regular site, a stand alone blog, or a combination site with a blog.
If you opt for the former, you may migrate to the later if you are building a traditional business site because it is one of the easiest ways to add content.
And, if you want to control your own Website and not pay a developer's cost, there is no better solution.
You might have to settle for normal "stock graphics that do not offer much pizazz.
That is unless you opt for a theme where you can customize the header.
Then you will need some basic graphic arts skills to make one.