Things You'll Need
1First, you will of course need the video you intend to monetize. It doesn't have to be fancy -in fact a simple web cam and freeware video editing software will suffice. It also doesn't necessarily matter what it's subject matter about, but on the other hand, that can greatly help in making money with a vlog. If you are trying to sell a related product, for instance, having similar content could then be very benefitial.
Next, you will need a place to put your vlog that allows you to make money with it. Whether it is your own personal website or blogsite -or a platform that allows commercial use and links. It doesn't really matter as long as the site allows you place a video and doesn't have rules against commercializing it.
Now that you have your video on your site, you will want to decide what method you want to use in order to make money vlogging. You can do so by placing a link or gadget for an affiliate product or by simply placing context ads around the area of the video. If you do place content sensitive advertisements on the page, you should write a text summary of the video with your keywords and relative content in that area of the page to ensure that the ads understand what the page is about as they cannot scan the video for keyword terms. Another means of using a video to make money online is to use a program or script that can embed a link or advertisement into the video. There are a few out there that do a pretty good job and even some ad companies that are using this method to promote their own products and will pay for space on a video at which point they would either compensate for impressions or ad performance from the viewers. For that matter, you could even promote a product directly on your own or give a review of something you like and have an affiliate link nearby, in which case, should a product sell as a result of someone watching and finding interest -then your vlog has made you money. This could be done with books, CDs, t-shirts, ebooks -almost anything that can be sold. For that matter, you could do onscreen advertising for companies and web sites by offering and promoting your advertising services and should anyone be interested you could work out the terms with them and put their product or message in the video yourself. Yet another way, is you could simply put a URL on the video and direct attention to it, if applicable -that link could again be an affiliate link or a link to your own site with ads or products on it. If your videos are good enough, you might even be able to sell dvds of them. As you can see, there are tons of different methods you can use to make money vlogging.
And finally, promote your site and use SEO (search engine optimization) to bring more traffic to your vlog and increase it's earning potential. The more traffic that comes to your video, the more lucrative it will likely be. So, do the best you can to get your web site and video out there and create a name for yourself in the vlogger world. If your new to seo and website promotion, don't worry -while it can take some time to get lots of traffic to your vlog -with time and good seo strategies and some work, you most likely start getting more hits and building viewership. It can take some time to before you make much money vlogging -but as your traffic and tactics improve, so will your earnings. Analyze the performance of your site and video and adjust your strategy if necessary to further improve upon it's earning potential. Good luck!