Health & Medical Anxiety

The Number One Way to Cure Panic Attacks

I had panic attacks on a regular basis for six years! I wish I had known then how easy it is to cure panic attacks once you know how.
I think a little background is appropriate here.
Panic and anxiety are very much the same.
Not exactly, however, and they definitely vary in intensity.
Anxiety is a condition of fear caused by perceiving a threat, imagined or real.
It is one of our most common emotions and it seems that everybody goes through it at different levels, over different things, and at different times in their life.
That's anxiety.
It's fear.
This whole thing is wrapped up in fear.
It's all about fear and it's generated by fear.
And fear is the "key" to this problem.
The "key" to curing panic attacks is to get rid of the fear of them.
It's not hard, it's easy actually, to learn not to fear the attacks.
Near the end of my six year journey through the heart of anxiety and panic attacks I devised a method that allowed me to shed my fear of the attacks.
I'll never forget that day.
What I did amounted to a subtle "shift" in my thinking about panic attacks.
It kind of went this way (it's been 30 years).
I realized that I had been suffering through these attacks now for six years! Six long years.
I also recognized the fact that, although I had gone through hundreds of these attacks, I hadn't been harmed, at least not physically, that I could see.
When I combined that fact with the regret that so much time and energy had been wasted, the net result, for me, intellectually, and in my gut, was that my fear of the attacks was replaced with anger.
Right then and there, in the absence of fear of these attacks I could feel their pull on me release and I knew they would never be back.
That was thirty years ago and they have not returned.
But this is NOT my recommendation for you.
The way I did it was created for me, by myself, through my experiences, over a six year period, and, I feel like I got lucky.
But I learned one thing I won't forget, and that one thing is the solution.
So, if you want to know how to cure panic attacks, the way to do it is to get rid of the fear of those attacks.
All you need is to know how.
Then just do it.
Fortunately there are programs available that will show you exactly how to do it for yourself.
You can have your life back.
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