Business & Finance Social Media

Don"t Be a Facebook Real Estate Spammer

It's understandable that you want to make as many contacts as you can - after all, if you can just crack the 300 mark, you're going to be a success, right? Not exactly.
 If you become one of those people we love to hate, you'll use your personal Facebook profile to spam people about your real estate services instead of using it to connect with them on a meaningful level.
Facebook Pages VS.
Facebook Profiles If you want to expound on your business or services, make a Facebook page.
 Go to facebook.
php and follow the instructions.
 This way, people can choose to join your business page, leaving your personal page free for actually connecting with clients and colleagues and friends and family.
You can talk about your business on your personal profile, but don't make it the only topic you talk about.
 That's what your Facebook Page is for.
 For every business post on your personal Facebook page, you should have several personal posts.
 Your profile is for your interests, your hobbies, your frustration with the construction going on next door.
 Keep it professional if you're going to have colleagues and clients connected, but talk about what's going on in your life.
 Have an opinion about stuff!  Joining Groups, Quizzes and Apps Don't join Facebook groups just because they're there.
 Join a couple, see how much you get involved and then leave if you find that you're not participating enough for it to be worthwhile for you.
  The same goes for quizzes.
 Keep it clean.
 No one wants to know what kind of underwear you are or what celebrity you're most like.
 If you must take these things, don't publish the results to your Wall; it makes people annoyed to have to block 17 quizzes in a day.
  There are many apps that can be useful for you; just make sure you have the ones that you need and not a bunch of extraneous ones that you don't really use and just take up space.
Keep in Contact, But Not Too Much.
Get involved with your connections.
 When you add new ones, take the time to find out more about them and talk to them online.
 Thank them for adding you as a friend.
 Don't go overboard, but going through your friends list every 2-3 weeks and making an effort to connect with them all will keep you in their minds as someone interested in their lives and what they're doing.
 Comment on their posts, links, photos.
 Just 1-2 comments/wall posts every month can keep your presence in the back of their minds.
The flip side of this is don't become a Facebook stalker.
 Don't "poke" people all the time.
 If you keep "liking" everything someone does and commenting on their every post, they aren't going to think you're the best friend they ever had.
 They're going to think that they will see you staring into their bedroom window one day and that's what gets you quietly removed from friends lists.
Facebook can be a rewarding social networking tool for you, but you must exercise moderation.
 By establishing some bonds with people outside of real estate, you will encourage them to think of you when they are thinking about real estate and not drive them away with too many "spammy" posts and annoying Facebook behavior.
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