- Baby socks, whether frilly anklets or athletic socks, are inexpensive and available several pairs to a package. For the best size favor holders purchase toddler size socks. Insert a two-inch diameter cardboard circle into the bottom or toe of each sock. Fill the sock with the chosen favors. Tie a six-inch long piece of satin ribbon around the top of the sock about two inches from the opening. Position the sock so the interior piece of cardboard allows the sock to stand upright.
- Purchase one crocheted or knitted baby bootie per guest. Remove the ribbon or laces from the booties. Dip the booties into liquid fabric starch. For best results do not dilute the starch. Stuff the booties with plastic wrap or shredded plastic bread bags a little fuller than a normal foot shape. Place the wet booties on a cookie sheet, pressing slightly on the booties to form a flat bottom. Allow the booties to air dry until completely stiff. Remove the plastic stuffing. Insert the laces or ribbon and tie in a bow. Fill the booties with candy and the favors of your choice.
- Cut one 10-inch diameter tulle circle and one nine-inch diameter tissue paper circle per guest. Place the tissue paper circle on a table. Lay the tulle circle on top of the tissue paper circle. Put the favors, such as candies and small gifts, in the center of the tulle. Slide your hands, palms up, beneath the tissue paper and tulle circles and smooth upward. Squeeze a "neck" near the top of the paper and tulle bundle. Tie the neck with a eight-inch long piece of satin or curling ribbon into a bow. Use a glue gun to glue a flower, bright hued button, plastic baby-oriented charm (purchased at craft stores), or flat-backed plastic baby in the center of the bow. Use caution when operating hot glue guns as touching the tip, glue, or parts of the gun may cause burns.
- Cut a 10-inch triangle of cotton or flannel. Dip the fabric into liquid fabric starch. For best results do not dilute the starch. Turn the fabric so a flat edge is at the top. Fold the three points together, overlapping in the front like a cloth diaper. Pin through the three points with a diaper or safety pin. Stuff the diaper with plastic wrap or shredded plastic bread bags to hold the shape. Position the wet diaper (no pun intended) on a cookie sheet so the bottom is flattened. Allow the fabric to air dry until completely stiff. Remove the plastic stuffing. Fill the diaper with the favors of your choice.
Baby Sock Favors
Baby Bootie Favors
Tulle and Tissue Paper Favors
Miniature Diaper Favors