Home & Garden Gardening

How to Landscape With a Power Rake

    • 1). Remove all objects from the landscaping area and pick up any stones or rocks that may be kicked up by the power rake.

    • 2). Set the blade depth on a lawn mower to half the rate you usually use, typically no lower than 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch tall. Mow the entire area.

    • 3). Pick up a handful of the soil and close your fist. If the soil falls apart easily, water the ground with approximately 1/2 inch of water. If the soil holds together, do not add additional water.

    • 4). Set the vertical blade depth on the power rake to 1/2 inch if you are using it in the fall or winter months on cool season grasses. Set the blade depth to 1/4 inch if you are using it in the spring or summer months on warm season grasses.

    • 5). Locate the tine spacing lever, which adjusts the horizontal distance between the metal tines. Set this to 1 or 2 inches for cool season grasses and 3 inches for warm season grasses.

    • 6). Twist open the gas cap and the oil cap and make sure they are filled to the levels recommended by the instruction manual. Add additional gas or oil if needed.

    • 7). Pull the string start for the power rake to start the machine and allow it to sit for one to two minutes to warm up.

    • 8). Place the power rake at one edge of the landscaping area and push it slowly until you reach the other end. Turn around and push the power rake back in the opposite direction beside the first row. Continue until you have raked the entire area.

    • 9). Move the power rake to a location that is perpendicular to the first set of rows. Push the power rake over the landscaping area using the same method until you have covered it.

    • 10

      Turn off the power rake and move it aside. Rake the entire area with a standard rake to collect the thatch, dead grass and organic material that the power rake dug up. Place the collected material into a compost pile or a trash bag for disposal.

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