The main reason we get yeast infections is because of a fungus called thrush or Candidas albicans, which is normally a natural element in our bodies. Men suffer from penile infections and 70% of women will suffer from a vaginal infection at some point in their lifetime. If you have a yeast infection, you must take immediate action to find a cure. If not, your infection could get worse, and could possibly leads to major organ damage.
Tea tree oil is a commonly used, safe, all natural anti-fungal remedy. Simply pour a drop or two concentrated tea tree oil on a tampon and insert in vagina. Its recommended that you do this twice daily, once in morning and one at night. Approximately three days should be enough.
Certain foods that we eat make it easy for Candida to multiply giving rise to an infection. Eliminate or greatly reduce these and your symptoms will slowly disappear enabling you to feel healthier and more vibrant. These are refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour and white rice along with a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables. Add to this list overconsumption of alcohol and coffee.
Genital hygiene is the most important aspect of vaginal infection prevention. Cleaning your vagina will reduce the chances of fungal overgrowth and avoiding products which disturbs the body's natural balance will help prevent vaginal yeast infections. The pH balance of the vagina should be maintained at optimal levels.
Beat into a paste one clove of garlic and apply to area in and around the vagina. It may burn slightly and smell a little strong, but is super effective. The paste can also be used for yeast infection on other areas of the body. You can also opt for the cheesecloth insertion method. Simply crush a couple of garlic cloves and wrap in cheesecloth. Insert and leave in vagina for approximately 15 minutes. Remember to leaving part of the cloth hanging out to ensure fast and easy removal.
are looking for a more natural treatment, you can take plain yogurt, insert some in a tampon, and insert it inside of you like you would with the monistat. This actually is very effective. Eating yogurt regularly also helps or taking over the counter AZO yeast pills. Once you are over your infection, be sure to wash all your underwear in EXTRA HOT water. sometimes, the bacteria can live in your underwear so it needs to be washed thoroughly or thrown out.
A weak immune system is a major contributor to Candida overgrowth. A weak immune system is brought on by lack of sleep, stress or regular use of pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics, birth control tips or steroids. The body is not in a position to defend itself in this state leading to candida overgrowth. Change your habits and you should begin to feel better quickly.
Cranberry juice also aids in preventing bacteria from clinging to urinary walls, and can help to relieve a yeast infection. Drink a glass of unsweetened juice a day or take cranberry capsules.
Tea tree oil is a commonly used, safe, all natural anti-fungal remedy. Simply pour a drop or two concentrated tea tree oil on a tampon and insert in vagina. Its recommended that you do this twice daily, once in morning and one at night. Approximately three days should be enough.
Certain foods that we eat make it easy for Candida to multiply giving rise to an infection. Eliminate or greatly reduce these and your symptoms will slowly disappear enabling you to feel healthier and more vibrant. These are refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour and white rice along with a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables. Add to this list overconsumption of alcohol and coffee.
Genital hygiene is the most important aspect of vaginal infection prevention. Cleaning your vagina will reduce the chances of fungal overgrowth and avoiding products which disturbs the body's natural balance will help prevent vaginal yeast infections. The pH balance of the vagina should be maintained at optimal levels.
Beat into a paste one clove of garlic and apply to area in and around the vagina. It may burn slightly and smell a little strong, but is super effective. The paste can also be used for yeast infection on other areas of the body. You can also opt for the cheesecloth insertion method. Simply crush a couple of garlic cloves and wrap in cheesecloth. Insert and leave in vagina for approximately 15 minutes. Remember to leaving part of the cloth hanging out to ensure fast and easy removal.
are looking for a more natural treatment, you can take plain yogurt, insert some in a tampon, and insert it inside of you like you would with the monistat. This actually is very effective. Eating yogurt regularly also helps or taking over the counter AZO yeast pills. Once you are over your infection, be sure to wash all your underwear in EXTRA HOT water. sometimes, the bacteria can live in your underwear so it needs to be washed thoroughly or thrown out.
A weak immune system is a major contributor to Candida overgrowth. A weak immune system is brought on by lack of sleep, stress or regular use of pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics, birth control tips or steroids. The body is not in a position to defend itself in this state leading to candida overgrowth. Change your habits and you should begin to feel better quickly.
Cranberry juice also aids in preventing bacteria from clinging to urinary walls, and can help to relieve a yeast infection. Drink a glass of unsweetened juice a day or take cranberry capsules.