Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Snoring Problems - Alcohol and Snoring Don"t Mix

I have to admit I do have a snoring problem.
The reason I know I have this problem is because my wife gets me know about it.
You see, it's not that I didn't know about it because my brother used to tell me the same thing when we were younger.
But what I found out is, drinking alcohol only makes it worse.
After a long day of sipping on those tall boys and having a good time took a whole lot out of me.
I used to come home wasted and the first thing I would do was jump straight in the bed and fall asleep.
Which was fine with me but, my wife didn't like it one bit because my snoring kept her up all night long.
Not only was my snoring keeping her up at night, it was causing me to wake up with sore muscles because my wife was hitting and kicking me all night trying to stop me from snoring.
If you find yourself in a situation you should consider slowing down your drinking habits or completely stopping.
I have found that since I stopped drinking I don't snore as loud and my wife is able to get a good night sleep for a change.
Although I have not completely stop snoring, sleeping on my side does help a whole lot.
This may be something else you want to consider.
Some other remedies for snoring you may want to consider are mouthpieces, earplugs for snoring, or some type of over-the-counter remedy for it.
There are a lot of products to choose from and you can find them on the Internet or you might be able to find them at your local convenient store.
You can do some research to try and find out which product has worked for others.
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