When one hears of web based applications, we wonder, what are they exactly? They are actually applications which are used either over the Internet or Intranet. In other words, web applications are applications which are used over a network. Sometimes, the term can also be used for applications hosted on a web browser controlled environment. Browser supported languages can also be used to build web applications.
Advantages of Web Based Applications
Web based applications can be use far and wide Some examples of web based applications are webmail, auctions, shopping online etc. They are convenient to use from all over the world People can access them from anywhere 24 hours a day, 365 days an year These applications are low or zero on maintenance and installation costs Heavy backups as in desktop applications is not required Web applications are cost-effective and do not occupy space on desktop Multiple browsers like Mozilla, Google Chrome etc. can be sued to access these applications Up-gradation of the application is not required as the application is always up-to-date User training is not required in web based applications which is mandatory in desktop applications Users can learn at their own pace to learn or use the application They need to be deployed only once on domain whereas desktop applications have to be installed on each system separately
On the flip side of web based applications, the disadvantages one faces are the connectivity issues like Internet may be slow or not connected and the application cannot be accessed. Compared to desktop applications web application development takes longer. Security too is less in these applications as they can be accessed from anywhere by anybody around the world. Hacking is easier in web applications
Every software application comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is for the end user to decide what suits him the best to take a call on the development of the suitable software. Standalone applications were the first too be used until deploying on web browsers came into existence. The advent of Ecommerce and all other online selling websites with shopping carts have made web applications very popular. All said and done the future seems to be lying more in Internet based applications as the world has become a global village.
Advantages of Web Based Applications
Web based applications can be use far and wide Some examples of web based applications are webmail, auctions, shopping online etc. They are convenient to use from all over the world People can access them from anywhere 24 hours a day, 365 days an year These applications are low or zero on maintenance and installation costs Heavy backups as in desktop applications is not required Web applications are cost-effective and do not occupy space on desktop Multiple browsers like Mozilla, Google Chrome etc. can be sued to access these applications Up-gradation of the application is not required as the application is always up-to-date User training is not required in web based applications which is mandatory in desktop applications Users can learn at their own pace to learn or use the application They need to be deployed only once on domain whereas desktop applications have to be installed on each system separately
On the flip side of web based applications, the disadvantages one faces are the connectivity issues like Internet may be slow or not connected and the application cannot be accessed. Compared to desktop applications web application development takes longer. Security too is less in these applications as they can be accessed from anywhere by anybody around the world. Hacking is easier in web applications
Every software application comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is for the end user to decide what suits him the best to take a call on the development of the suitable software. Standalone applications were the first too be used until deploying on web browsers came into existence. The advent of Ecommerce and all other online selling websites with shopping carts have made web applications very popular. All said and done the future seems to be lying more in Internet based applications as the world has become a global village.