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How Do I Prevent or Remove Pool Fungus in an Above-Ground Pool?

    Preventing Pool Fungus

    • 1). Check the pool's pH level regularly with test strips from your pool supply store. The pH level should remain around 7.4 to 7.8 so that the chlorine is effective. Adjust the pH level with pool chemicals if the level drops below 7.4.

    • 2). Filter the pool water. Filtering the water regularly removes fungal spores before they have a chance to grow. Although running the filter constantly can add up in electricity expenses, running it every few days or once a week will keep the water clean and help prevent fungal growth.

    • 3). Add chlorine or a sanitizing system to the pool. Chlorine is the most well-known and common sanitizing agent, but there are others such as bromine that produce lower amounts of chlorine in the pool. Usually the amount added is based on the amount of water in the pool, and they keep bacteria and fungus from growing. Test strips are available to check the levels, so check the levels at least once a week.

    • 4). Winterize the pool when it is not in use according to the instructions for the specific pool. Every pool differs slightly depending on their construction materials, but most above-ground pools require emptying the pool, putting on a pool cover and removing items like filters and putting them in a warm location. Areas with heavy snowfall should provide protective coverings that can prevent snow from getting in the pool. Proper winterizing will prevent bacteria and fungal growth during the offseason.

    Eliminating Pool Fungus

    • 1). Scrub the pool. Clean the fungus off the sides and bottom of the pool with a scrubbing brush.

    • 2). Run the pool filter for 24 hours. For many fungi, the filter will kill the fungus as it goes through, and 24 hours is usually enough time for the filter to get most of the fungus through it.

    • 3). Pour in a pool fungal killer or similar chemical specifically for that purpose.

    • 4). Vacuum the fungus out of your above-ground pool. Once dead, it should change to a different color and float to the top of the pool.

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