- 1). Buy or mine pure essences. You will need one for each time you cast High Level Alchemy.
- 2). Go to the Nature altar just north of Shilo Village.
- 3). Click on the altar. The Runecrafting window will appear. Turn all of your pure essence into Nature Runes by clicking the rune symbol.
- 4). Buy or gather iron ore and coal. You will need five iron ore and 10 coal for every time you cast plan to cast High Level Alchemy.
- 5). Go to any furnace in the game. There is one located in Shilo Village.
- 6). Use the iron ore on the furnace to make steel bars.
- 7). Go to any anvil in the game. Most large cities and towns in "Runescape" have one. You can spot the anvil symbol on the mini-map.
- 8). Use the steel bar on the anvil. Choose to make a Steel Platebody from the Smithing window that appears. Turn all of your steel bars into Steel Platebodies.
- 9). Equip the Staff of Fire. This staff allows you to cast spells without using Fire Runes. This significantly decreases the cost for casting High Level Alchemy repeatedly.
- 10
Cast High Level Alchemy on each Steel Platebody in your inventory. You should make a profit even if you bought all the materials from other players. The profit will vary based on the current prices.