Health & Medical Women's Health

Deal With Your Fears Regarding a Hysterectomy

Today, opting for the removal of uterus is a common thing as many women across the world are going for hysterectomy.
There is an unknown fear around it.
There is no definite reason for this surgery.
Every case can be different.
It is important to understand that after hysterectomy one cannot bear her own children as it is not possible.
With change in lifestyles there are complications in reproductive systems of women like cancer and tumors, this leads to the need to this surgery.
People who want sex change operation also have to undergo this surgery.
Hysterectomy complications can be many in few cases however they are mostly nil in most of the cases.
It is imperative to understand that the surgical procedure can be dangerous in case of a pregnant woman.
At the same time, patients get discharged within 5 days.
A woman needs rest for certain period of time after this surgery.
Apart from this precaution there can be some hysterectomy side effects which might be a reason for women's fears.
It has been proven that health concerns like cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and excessive loss of calcium which may result in fractures is more in case of women who get their uterus removed.
One can also face lack or no lubrication at all after this surgery at the time of sex and there can be hormonal changes as well which can have different impact on different women.
It also leaves its mark in form of hysterectomy scar.
It can be just a hairline scar.
It totally depends on how your doctor decides to make the cut while performing the surgery.
If the doctor thinks there is a need of a bigger cut because of some medical condition, then it can be a big scar.
It can be a small scar which might not be even visible after some time.
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