Yoga is a great helper for the healthy body and mind but it is also a great benefit for those bodies and minds that need healing.
If your body is healthy, your first line of defense is to keep it that way with healthy habits and good maintenance.
In this, yoga is a major help as it keeps your body well tuned along with your mental health and immune system.
One of the main benefits of the yoga poses is the alignment of the spine which allows energy to flow naturally and freely throughout the body.
Regular practice also helps the body purge itself of toxins that pollute it via all of the bad stuff we eat, drink and breathe, sometimes even without knowing it.
If your body is not healthy, yoga is great medicine and practiced correctly can help the body heal even faster.
For instance, if you are overweight, yoga can treat your joints, jelly belly and heart gently and tone them up more permanently than any other exercise program.
Even if you cannot do any of the standard physical poses, or asanas, you can practice yoga with your eye, your breathing and your mind! It is possible to simply tense your muscles in a way that exercises them and if you consciously choose the muscles to tense one by one, you can actually achieve a lot physically without actually "moving" your body much.
Yoga should obviously never displace your regular doctor so please do consult with them.
Yoga is taken very seriously in many parts of the world and a lot of people devote their lives exclusively to its practice.
Some of them can do amazing things and western doctors have recorded some yogis (yoga practitioners) stop their heartbeat and breathing for extended periods of time, feats that modern medicine deems "impossible"! While these feats illustrate the phenomenal power yoga has over the body, for very serious yogis, they are unimportant and merely signposts on the way to spiritual enlightenment.
If your body is healthy, your first line of defense is to keep it that way with healthy habits and good maintenance.
In this, yoga is a major help as it keeps your body well tuned along with your mental health and immune system.
One of the main benefits of the yoga poses is the alignment of the spine which allows energy to flow naturally and freely throughout the body.
Regular practice also helps the body purge itself of toxins that pollute it via all of the bad stuff we eat, drink and breathe, sometimes even without knowing it.
If your body is not healthy, yoga is great medicine and practiced correctly can help the body heal even faster.
For instance, if you are overweight, yoga can treat your joints, jelly belly and heart gently and tone them up more permanently than any other exercise program.
Even if you cannot do any of the standard physical poses, or asanas, you can practice yoga with your eye, your breathing and your mind! It is possible to simply tense your muscles in a way that exercises them and if you consciously choose the muscles to tense one by one, you can actually achieve a lot physically without actually "moving" your body much.
Yoga should obviously never displace your regular doctor so please do consult with them.
Yoga is taken very seriously in many parts of the world and a lot of people devote their lives exclusively to its practice.
Some of them can do amazing things and western doctors have recorded some yogis (yoga practitioners) stop their heartbeat and breathing for extended periods of time, feats that modern medicine deems "impossible"! While these feats illustrate the phenomenal power yoga has over the body, for very serious yogis, they are unimportant and merely signposts on the way to spiritual enlightenment.