Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

The Hidden Troubles With Doctors Treating Your Hemorrhoids

You know, they always say when a doctor gives you his final diagnosis; you do not have to take his findings as gospel.
You can always get a second opinion if you are not at all comfortable with the diagnosis, or his or her prescription for the cure of whatever is ailing you.
Take for instance, the issue of bothersome hemorrhoids.
After a not so pleasant examination, your doctor suggest to you that your only options would be surgery, or the permanent use of some hemorrhoid ointments and pads that they can prescribe for the best treatment, or some over the counter remedy that would be a little cheaper, though it does not work as well.
Either way, they are talking about a treatment that you will have to use for the rest of your life, or at least with every flare up as they occur if you do not opt for the surgery to have the bothersome things permanently removed.
Removal may sound like a great idea if you are in agony and distress, and you already should know that the pads are just a temporary fix, making your bathroom life a little more comfortable; taking away the bleeding, swelling and itching for just a short amount of time, leaving the hemorrhoid condition still in tact.
As you can see, you don't have much choice of eliminating the problem all together.
According to the doctor without the snip, snip, snip process, your hemorrhoid problem will not go away, and even after the surgery you will still be dealing with excruciating pain from the long healing process after the surgery.
Either way; you are still going to have to deal with pain before or after the fact, rather you choose surgery or not.
However, you don't have to...
you can always get a second opinion and opt to try out a herbal home remedy that will work without going under the knife, and without using pads or ointments for temporary relief.
How sweet it would be to be free of rear end distress once and for all; no surgery, no medicated pads, no pain, no swelling and no bleeding all because of a hemorrhoid issue.
That is relief in my book; it is even better when you can do away with prescriptions and embarrassing office visits.
Alternative remedies is the solution if you want something safe and without side affects; all natural ingredients that work wonders because the substance that causes the healing comes from the earth and not some man-made product that may fix one problem area while causing another, all because of the drug side affects.
Imagine going to the doctor for weight control and end up a nervous wreck because of the prescribed medication to curb your appetite.
Unconventional remedies are the way to go; at least give it a try.
I bet you have something right now at your finger tips that would ease the condition of bothersome hemorrhoids, and you don't need a prescription to get it.
Go ahead...
look in your freezer, for you just may find a miracle frozen there.
Now why didn't that doctor tell you that?
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