- 1
Draw an oval for the head. Add a wide neck with two lines, one coming out of the back of the head and going down at a slight angle and the other going straight down from the chin. Draw a vertical line going down the face on the left side. Draw a long horizontal line across the face. Below this, draw a short horizontal line and just below that another long horizontal line. These will serve as guidelines for the eyes, nose and mouth. - 2
Add eyes with ovals on the top horizontal line. Add eyebrows with a bent line above each eye. Draw the guidelines for the ears with diagonally pointing triangles extending from the head. Add the nose with a triangle shape on the middle horizontal guideline. - 3). Add a long rectangle under the mouth guideline to create the jutting lower lip. Draw the teeth with two triangular cones coming out of the top of the mouth on the right hand side.
- 4
Draw the pupils and irises of the eyes with semi circles inside the eye ovals. Thicken the eyebrows by lightly drawing a rectangle above each eyebrow. Add horns to the forehead with small curved cones following the vertical guideline. - 5
Erase all of the guidelines. Ink the entire drawing. Let the ink dry and slowly erase the pencil lines. Darken in the pupils. Add shading around the the eyes, under the nose and chin with small diagonal lines.