Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

Interglobal Expatriate Health Insurance Offers Everything You Could Ask For.

Important new claims procedures for Greek nationals receiving treatment in GreeceThe Greek Government has passed new legislation allowing all Greek nationals, or those who qualify, for partial funding for in-patient medical treatment received in Greece.

This means that the government will pay a proportion of any in-patient or daycare medical treatment that you receive in Greece through a private hospital or a medical provider which is a member of the E.O.P.Y.Y. Scheme.Policyholders will be able to directly benefit from this new law.

The rising cost of healthcare in Greece has increased the cost of health insurance over recent years. With your help in ensuring the government pay their proportion of your healthcare costs, Interglobal can continue to keep premium increases to a minimum.What should you do?In order to receive the funding you are entitled to, all Greek nationals must present their Health Book (E.O.P.Y.Y.) when they visit a hospital or medical practitioner who are members of the E.O.P.Y.Y. scheme.

This is very important, and we must ask each member to do this to ensure that your claim is met by InterGlobal.Cutting the cost of International Private Medical InsuranceBy Anthony Brown, MBE, Regional General Manager (Africa)With most International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI) providers announcing their premiums for 2012 - premium inflation and the rising cost of a medical treatment is an issue for many expats in Africa.

There are however a number of ways that insurance brokers can help their clients to save money on their premium - while retaining high quality cover.In fact adjusting the level of benefits, managing the geographic area of cover and accepting a higher level of excess can offer internationally mobile and expatriate clients significant savings on their insurance premiums.The increasing cost of medical treatment is a fact of life. But by carefully selecting the right level of cover and benefits for their clients, insurance brokers can ensure that their clients can be protected from the impact of rising international private medical insurance premiums, without compromising on the quality of cover.

Cutting the cost of International Private Medical InsuranceEvery year the cost of delivering International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI) increases. Even in good economic times, rising costs were an issue for buyers of insurance and their providers, but now we are living in more prudent times, the issue is becoming more acute.Fortunately, the emerging Asia Pacific economies, with their stronger growth and lower cost of labour continue to be a magnet for expatriates of all nationalities. This means the demand for high quality IPMI remains buoyant as expatriates and internationally mobile people demand access to medical care, when and where it is needed.

Premium inflation remains an issue, however, and there are a number of ways that insurance brokers can help their clients to save money on their premium - while retaining high quality cover.The most effective way to cut costs depends on the clients' circumstances and differs depending on whether the cover is for a group scheme or for an individual expatriate. In both cases, however, adjusting the level of benefits, managing the geographic area of cover and accepting a higher level of excess can offer internationally mobile and expatriate clients and their employer's significant savings on their insurance premiums.
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