Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

Texas Health Insurance Plans Keep Texans Safe During The New Year

Texas is very unique as far as the types of coverage health insurance companies give citizens of the lone star state, and although many of the option are similar to the other 49 states there are some laws that make Texas different. One of those things that affects Texas health insurance plans is the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool, it was established in 1989 which was started up with more than $500,000 to start it up. The Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool is health insurance provided to people living in the Lone Star state who can't get health coverage because of their current or preexisting health insurance coverage, or if they financially are eligible for assistance thorough HIPAA. This is a very unique and cool type of Texas health insurance plans [] through the health pool policyholders. Some of the great benefits that policyholders get are up to $2,000,000 lifetime benefit, which includes coverage on prescription drugs as well as medical expenses, such a major surgeries. The premiums for each person are different depending on the circumstances surrounding them joining the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool. As far as deductible amounts there are four different plans ranging from a $1,000 deductible to a $7,500 deductible.

One of the reasons why this type of Texas Health Insurance Plans is special and easy is because it helps insure people living in Texas who may not be able to get insured any other way. The state of Texas has the highest rate of uninsured people in the country as well as one of the highest rates for uninsured children; this can directly be attributed to the cut in funding from SCHIP. Also, Texas has one of the highest death rates among workers. Texas has the highest construction accident rate in the country, this is because Texas is known for its booming construction business; most of the fatalities were in accidents involved drivers and construction laborers, with more than 30% of the fatalities being of Hispanic descent. This could be because many people living in Texas have come to Texas across the boarder and don't speak very good English, so that leads to language barriers. With many of these people not being uninsured it is very dangerous for them to be working for companies where communication is essential to the well-being and safety of other workers. It is because of all these reasons why it is very hard for people in Texas to become insured, but those people who are having a difficult time getting insured can try to get into the Texas Health insurance Risk Pool which may be able to offer them opportunities that they otherwise may not be able to get.
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