Medical Bills Can Ruin You
There is no socialized medical care in the United States of America. This means that in times of medical need, you will have to pay for the bills out of your own pocket. All it takes is one serious illness or an accident to send you filing for bankruptcy. The medical bills can be raked up to tens of thousands of dollars easily.
Haven't Got Any Health Insurance?
It is no doubt that with the surmounting bills and expenses of basic necessities in daily life, setting aside money for it may seem like a luxury or a chore. To make matters worse, a lot of plans in the market are relatively expensive. In order to feel good about the decision to not buy one, we tell ourselves a simple lie - It will never happen to me. We may even justify the decision by looking for facts to substantiate it such as being a non-smoker or having a low-risk job. Are you guilty of this?
Do you really believe that serious illnesses and freak accidents choose a particular group or type of people to "attack"? Nobody says that a non-smoker will never get cancer. All the experts say is that a smoker stands a higher chance of getting cancer. Are you really invincible? Of course, there are others who have not invested in a health insurance due to other reasons such as lack of funds or lack of understanding of how it works.
Health Insurance 101
A health insurance is basically a protection against large medical bills. You can pay monthly, quarterly or annually for your it. The first step to getting a good one is to assess your current financial standing as well as health conditions and needs. There are many types of these plans in the market and you should be able to find one that fits your situation.
Group health insurance is affordable and it can be gotten via your employer for you and your colleagues. A private one also come in many forms - indemnity insurance plans, HMO plans, POS plans and PPO plans. Find out more about each of these plans so that your final choice will be one that is well-informed. Research is required to get a good idea of it. As in other service sectors, these plans are also susceptible to a degree of misleading advertisement, promises and information. Often you hear that it will cover most or all of the medical bills. On the contrary, it does not happen all the time. It all depends on the terms, conditions and limitations listed in the health insurance plan.
As this is quite tricky and requires quite a bit of reading up and work, you may consider hiring the services of health insurance broker. Another way of getting the perfect one is to use the information on the Internet to guide you to read and understand the plans. There are many articles to help you do this. There are also many websites that help you to compare various quotes online. Also obtain online reviews about how well the health insurance company you are interested in has dealt with previous clients' needs. For those who may need more financial assistance, there are government funded such programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Look them up as well.
Not having a health insurance is a serious gamble with far-reaching financial and emotional effects. It need not be costly. Look for an affordable one. Know the terms, conditions and limitations. To be honest, I do wish all of you are invincible and will never ever be in a situation where you are faced with large medical bills. At the same time, I know that isn't reality and I sincerely wish you'll not be caught unprepared.
Medical Bills Can Ruin You
There is no socialized medical care in the United States of America. This means that in times of medical need, you will have to pay for the bills out of your own pocket. All it takes is one serious illness or an accident to send you filing for bankruptcy. The medical bills can be raked up to tens of thousands of dollars easily.
Haven't Got Any Health Insurance?
It is no doubt that with the surmounting bills and expenses of basic necessities in daily life, setting aside money for it may seem like a luxury or a chore. To make matters worse, a lot of plans in the market are relatively expensive. In order to feel good about the decision to not buy one, we tell ourselves a simple lie - It will never happen to me. We may even justify the decision by looking for facts to substantiate it such as being a non-smoker or having a low-risk job. Are you guilty of this?
Do you really believe that serious illnesses and freak accidents choose a particular group or type of people to "attack"? Nobody says that a non-smoker will never get cancer. All the experts say is that a smoker stands a higher chance of getting cancer. Are you really invincible? Of course, there are others who have not invested in a health insurance due to other reasons such as lack of funds or lack of understanding of how it works.
Health Insurance 101
A health insurance is basically a protection against large medical bills. You can pay monthly, quarterly or annually for your it. The first step to getting a good one is to assess your current financial standing as well as health conditions and needs. There are many types of these plans in the market and you should be able to find one that fits your situation.
Group health insurance is affordable and it can be gotten via your employer for you and your colleagues. A private one also come in many forms - indemnity insurance plans, HMO plans, POS plans and PPO plans. Find out more about each of these plans so that your final choice will be one that is well-informed. Research is required to get a good idea of it. As in other service sectors, these plans are also susceptible to a degree of misleading advertisement, promises and information. Often you hear that it will cover most or all of the medical bills. On the contrary, it does not happen all the time. It all depends on the terms, conditions and limitations listed in the health insurance plan.
As this is quite tricky and requires quite a bit of reading up and work, you may consider hiring the services of health insurance broker. Another way of getting the perfect one is to use the information on the Internet to guide you to read and understand the plans. There are many articles to help you do this. There are also many websites that help you to compare various quotes online. Also obtain online reviews about how well the health insurance company you are interested in has dealt with previous clients' needs. For those who may need more financial assistance, there are government funded such programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Look them up as well.
Not having a health insurance is a serious gamble with far-reaching financial and emotional effects. It need not be costly. Look for an affordable one. Know the terms, conditions and limitations. To be honest, I do wish all of you are invincible and will never ever be in a situation where you are faced with large medical bills. At the same time, I know that isn't reality and I sincerely wish you'll not be caught unprepared.