- 1). Undo the stitching on one long side of two pillowcases.
- 2). Sew the two pillowcases together where you just tore the stitching out.
- 3). Fill the pillowcases with old clothing such as socks or stockings that you have around the house. This can give your dog great comfort to be able to smell his humans. If you don't have enough, you can always put stuffing in the pillowcase.
- 4). Slip a long string or cord through the hem on the open end of the pillowcases to create a drawstring.
- 5). Pull the drawstring tight and tie it off. When placing it on the floor, put the drawstring on the bottom.
- 1). Lay two old pillows side by side, long sides together.
- 2). Overlap the long edges about 6 inches.
- 3). Sew the overlapped edges together by hand. You can use a sewing machine, but it might be difficult with the bulk of the pillows. It is only necessary to sew the very edges, near the corners, but if you wish you can also sew along the long edge.
- 4). Lay out your fabric on the floor.
- 5). Lay the pillows on the fabric and pull the fabric up over the pillows, overlapping by about 6 or 8 inches.
- 6). Cut off extra fabric, leaving about 2 inches on the two open ends.
- 7). Hem the two overlapping edges.
- 8). Turn the fabric inside out and sew the open ends together, being sure to still have your edges overlap. You are basically making a pillow sham for the dog bed.
- 9). Turn the fabric right side out and put the pillows into the case.
Pillowcase Dog Bed
Pillow Dog Bed