- Determine the purpose of the room that you wish to paint. If you're looking for a relaxing atmosphere (for instance, as in a study or den) take that into consideration when painting. Choose cooler, calmer colors, such as light blue or cream for these rooms. If the area is intended for livelier activities (a children's play room, for instance), happier colors such as yellow and bright red are more appropriate. Make sure that everyone who will use the room has some say in the color selection.
- If your home is a historical one, consider painting it traditional colors from the era in which it was built. In fact, if your home is on a historical register, check first before painting the exterior -- you may be legally limited in your color selection. Regardless of whether your home is old or new, consider other houses in the area when choosing paint. You may want your house to blend in and look harmonious with the surrounding structures.
- Inspiration for paint colors can come from many different sources. For exterior paint, consider the grass or foliage surrounding your home. For instance, try painting the house in a lighter shade of the hydrangea flowers that bloom in your yard every year. For interior paint, look no further than your clothes closet. The colors you find there are often a clue as to what hues you like to surround yourself with on a daily basis.
- Don't pick a color at the paint store without experimenting with it at home first. Most paint stores offer small samples of paint for a low cost -- take these home and put them on the walls you wish to paint. See how they look in different light and at different times of day. Determine what your mood is when you look at them. You may find that you liked a color better in the store than you do at home, or vice versa.