Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Disorder Keeping You From Peace?

Can you tell what is an anxiety disorder from what is not? You're driving on a dark and deserted expressway late at night.
Suddenly, a car appears from behind you and turns on the high beam lights.
The car begins to tailgate you.
Your heartstarts to beat rapidly and you turn off the nearest ramp.
The car follows you.
You keep driving, faster and faster, and the car continues to follow.
You feel tense and stressed.
Beads of sweat roll across your forehead and drip down your cheeks.
Finally, the car veers to the right and turns off on another road.
It disappears.
Whew! Now think about that experience.
What went through your thinking? Was the other driver "out to get you?" Probably not, but you did experience a number of anxiety symptoms.
Did you have an anxiety attack? Are you normal? An anxiety disorder can manifest itself in a variety of ways.
From one-time attacks, to recurring episodes linked to phobias - panic attacks are much more common than previously thought.
The reason for its increase includes a variety of causes, including a more stressful culture, unhealthy diets, and the increase of substance abuse.
An anxiety disorder can greatly limit a person's reasoning and functioning, making treatment is important.
A summary about anxiety disorders First symptoms - People who develop anxiety disorders notice that their levels of nervousness and fear increase.
They may have exaggerated fears about objects or events.
That fear escalates into severe and extreme paranoia accompanied by physiological symptoms.
Those symptoms include sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, muscle tension and even dizziness.
Diagnosis is finding out what is wrong.
People can feel varying levels of anxiety attacks.
Some experiences of these symptoms may not even be classified as a disorder.
Medical experts will diagnose an anxiety problem as a disorder if the individual begins experiencing difficulties with his daily routines because of the attacks.
Anxiety attacks that happen over and over during a period of months can be classified as an anxiety illness.
Treatment - There are a number of treatments available for anxiety disorders.
Milder forms of anxiety problems are usually treated with behavior therapy or homeopathic medicine.
Behavior therapy is a natural method of modifying behavioral patterns to eliminate anxiety.
This can include exercises which help stop fear and anxiety from building up to an uncomfortable level.
An example of helpful exercises includes mental exercises or breathing exercises.
More severe versions of anxiety problems will need medication.
Doctors are generally very careful about providing antidepressants because they are very addictive.
Medication is usually the last resort of psychiatrists.
Aside from antidepressants, some doctors also prescribe medication that help relieve stress.
These can be nutritional supplements or hormonal medication.
Factors - An anxiety disorder can originate from drug addiction, but it can have its roots from traumatic experiences or phobias, too.
It's important for people who are prone to anxiety disorders to take preventive measures to ensure their psychological well-being.
Dealing successfully with stressful situations, maintaining a happy environment, and building a strong support network from friends and family can help people keep anxiety problems at an acceptable level.
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