Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Toning the Butt

If your goal is toning your gluteal muscles there are several ways to achieve the desired results.
Working your gluteal muscles, as with any other muscle can make them toner, and more beautiful.
Whether you want to take inches off and tone or turn a flat tush into a nice round one these exercises can do the trick.
The gluteal muscles are the center of the body.
It helps with your balance because it is the biggest muscle in the body.
It provides lower body strength for lifting as well as other movements such as pedaling a bicycle.
If your goal is a bigger but then add more weight and do less reps.
This will definitely add quality muscle to your rear.
If your goal is toning then light or no weight is the key.
This will firm what you have plus burn the fat off.
Standing kickback with no weights Stand facing a walk, lightly holding on with your hands for balance.
Lean slightly forward so that your whole body is in a straight line.
Shift your weight onto your left leg.
Slowly raise your right leg as far behind you as you can, feeling the contraction in your butt.
Your knee should be slightly bent.
Don't arch your back or over extend yourself.
Hold on for a second, then slowly lower your leg.
Finish the set, then switch to your left leg.
Duck squat with dumbbell With your feet farther than shoulder-width apart, your knees unlocked, and your toes pointing out, hold a dumbbell by the end, using both hands with your arms extended.
Your chest should be out, your shoulders back, your abs tight, and your back straight.
Keep your head in line with your spine and look straight ahead.
There will be a slight forward lean to your upper body, which is natural.
Slowly squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
Don't bounce, and don't let your knees turn in.
Hold for second.
Then, keeping your feet flat on the floor, rise slowly with your hips slightly forward and your abs tight.
Kneeling Kickback Get down on your hands and knees.
Keeping your right knee slightly bent slowly raise you right leg behind you until your thigh is parallel to your torso.
Hold for a second, then slowly return almost to the starting position.
Immediately raise your leg again before it touches the floor.
Finish the set then switch legs.
Alternation Lunge Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands on you hips.
Keep your upper body uright and your head in line with your spine.
Take a long step forward with your right foot.
Plant that foot firmly on the floor an bend your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
Don't let your right knee extend past your right foot.
Your left leg should be extended behind you, the knee slightly bent and the heel raised.
Immediately step back with your right foot, pressing your left heel to the ground.
Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
Repeat the exercise with your left foot.
That makes one repetition.
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