- Before you open a checking account, you need to shop around for the best possible rates and terms. If you plan to keep a high balance in your account, you might be able to earn interest on your money. Otherwise, you can look for a free checking account. Just be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully to see what conditions you must meet to avoid those fees. For instance, you might need to maintain a direct deposit or keep a minimum balance in your account to avoid fees. Finally, call the bank to make sure the account comes with a check, or debit, card.
- When you find the account you want, you will need to complete an application, either online at the bank's website or in person at a bank branch. The application requires a variety of personal information, including your name, address and phone number. After you complete the application, you must submit it and fund your account, using either a check written on another account, an electronic transfer or cash.
- You must provide a valid form of ID, such as a driver's license, passport or military ID, before you can open a new checking account. If you are applying online, you will be required to enter your driver's license number, along with the state of issue and the expiration date, to verify your identity and open your account.
- About a week after you open your checking account, you should receive an unmarked envelope in the mail that contains your check card. A day or two later, you should receive another unmarked envelope containing your initial personal identification number. The bank sends the check card and the PIN separately for security purposes. After you receive the check card and the PIN, you can change your PIN by calling the number listed on the card, or by visiting a bank branch or ATM.
Choose the Best Rates
Apply for the Account
Provide Your ID
Choose Your PIN